Employee Experience

VMware View Client for iPad has been selected as a Best of Interop Finalist

This year VMware View Client for iPad has been selected as a Best of Interop Finalist! I just the joined End User Computing team this past week and was greeted by this news.  This job is going to be exciting. Positive feedback for the View Client keeps pouring in. I’m glad that the Interop judging committee (InformationWeek Analytics editors and analysts) also recognizes the value of the View Client.

With the VMware View Client for iPad, you can securely and seamlessly access your business desktop on one of the coolest devices out there. It uses the PC-over-IP protocol to create a highly responsive interface. Your user experience is enhanced with the on screen track pad, keyboard dock support, and connectivity to an external monitor. If you haven’t tried it yourself, I highly recommend it.

Take a look around you. Even your doctor may be accessorizing with the iPad due to this added functionality. This technology lets doctors easily access patient records securely from anywhere, allowing them to put more focus on the patient, you.

For those that are using the View Client for iPad– let’s see your View! Upload a photo a creative photo on how and where you’re using the client to Twitter (@vmwareview) or Facebook.

More on VMware View: http://www.vmware.com/products/view/

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