VMware Horizon

VMworld 2011: TECH PREVIEW — VMware Project Octopus

By Sam Khavari, director, Product Management, End-User Computing, VMware

As VMware continues in our mission to develop technologies and infrastructure that improve the way people work in this post-PC era, we are previewing at VMworld 2011 in Las Vegas new file sharing technology – Project Octopus – that advances the our vision for enabling universal data delivery for the post-PC era.

Project Octopus will enable users to access files from any device and share them with people both inside (other colleagues) and outside (vendors, customers, partners) their companies in a completely safe and secure way.  Additionally, IT leaders will have control to apply access and security policies and, intelligently manage data that is old or out of date.

In our research, we found that 80 percent of files in a collaboration system are not accessed after more than two years. Octopus will automatically identify these orphaned files, warn their owners, and if it never hears back, it expires those files and deletes them.

Octopus iPad-client Project Octopus promises to be super easy to deploy; it plugs in to your existing infrastructure and will come with a wide range of extensibility options that can integrate with your existing business applications. Also, Project Octopus will work with other products within the VMware End-User Computing portfolio including VMware Zimbra, VMware View, VMware Horizon and Project AppBlast.

It really addresses the challenges that IT has today…users need a way to easily and quickly access their files on their tablets, smart phones, laptops and home desktops and do this in a way that’s safe and secure.

If you are interested in participating in the upcoming beta of Project Octopus, go to vmwareoctopus.com and enter your email address.  Also, Keep checking back on the End-User Computing blog for updates.

Screen shots of Project Octopus can be found here. 

Octopus -- Windows