VMware Horizon

Bringing Hi-Fidelity and Performance to View Mobile Secure Desktops with Atlantis ILIO

Guest Blog by Anjan Srinivas, Director, Product Marketing – Atlantis Computing

Today’s workplace is exploding with employees carrying corporate and personal devices to access enterprise data. IT organizations are looking at new ways to deliver corporate desktop and application across variety of devices in a centralized and secure fashion. While IT wants to embrace this end user freedom and mobility, they are challenged by legacy OS, applications and cross platform incompatibility issues with the business critical applications. VDI nicely fills this gap and provides a centralized management framework that is easy to manage, lowering the overall cost of ownership.

Bringing Performance to a VDI environment

Key to a successful VDI adoption is the user experience of a virtual desktop when compared with using a PC. Performance is not a single dimensional unit, it depends upon multiple elements in the VDI stack e.g. compute, application architecture, display/network protocol and storage performance. 

Windows desktop workload is very interactive and demanding on the storage layer. Every user/ graphical interaction with the virtual desktop results in some form of storage write and/or read IO transaction (80% write and 20% read IO in a typical OS traffic). Traditional shared storage is not designed to handle such a random and chatty workload. Designing storage subsystem using traditional storage to provide high throughput (IOPs) and acceptable user experience can be expensive. Undersized storage throughput design while reduces the cost per desktop results in poor user acceptance. Hence, proper storage design and optimization becomes extremely critical to achieve a successful VDI deployment that delights end users.

Atlantis Computing complements VMware View

Atlantis ILIO and Atlantis ILIO Diskless VDI products complement the VMware View solution to boost desktop performance. We do it by offloading both the write-heavy and read storage IO traffic in conjunction with content-aware processing and inline de-duplication. The net result is a high performance desktop (faster than a PC IOPS) that has significantly lower CAPEX cost when compared with using traditional SAN.  Watch the whiteboard for more details.

Atlantis ILIO Diskless VDI leverages the server memory to carve out a storage tier for stateless desktops. Enterprises cannot only get CAPEX and performance benefits with Diskless VDI but also huge improvements in design, deployment and OPEX. Since there is no storage to install or manage, IT teams do not have to deal with one of the most complex parts of the VDI stack: Storage.

Atlantis ILIO is proud to partner with VMware View Mobile Secure Desktop (MSD) architecture to provide storage optimization. The joint offering provides enterprises a solution that boots performance, cuts storage costs and simplifies VDI deployments at scale.

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