Apps Employee Experience Mobile Workspace Security

VMware AirWatch 101: Per-App VPN

Per-App Virtual Private Network (VPN) functionality changes the game for securing remote mobile endpoints. VPN connections enable end users to access internal resources from anywhere and on any device. However, traditional VPN solutions lack the intelligence to distinguish between personal and productive apps, allowing access to ALL the device’s apps.

VMware AirWatch per-app VPN establishes connectivity at an application level, instead of on a per-device basis. When an authorized app launches, VMware Tunnel establishes a silent connection for seamless and secure access.

Review the advantages of a per-app VPN solution.
Figure 1: Review the advantages of a per-app VPN solution.

This post overviews the who, what, when, where, why and how of per-app tunneling. After reading, you’ll not only be able to determine if per-app VPN addresses your use case, but you’ll also have a framework for implementation and some practical next steps for configuration. If you want to learn more, check out the hands-on lab recommended at the end of the post.

First, to understand the benefits and how to get started, check out the following infographic:

Review the important features of per-app VPN functionality.

 Learn More about VMware AirWatch Per-App Tunnel

Now that you can see the exciting possibilities for per-app VPN functionality, you probably want to learn more about how you can use these settings in your own, real world deployment. If that’s the case, then you are in luck!

If you want to learn the most about VMware AirWatch Per-App Tunnel in the least amount of time…
Our Hands-On Labs provide a quality learning experience, pairing step-by-step instructions with hands-on exercises. To get started, take the Introduction to VMware AirWatch Hands-On Lab. Module 5, Mobile App Management and App Development provides guided practice for the configurations described in this post.

 VMware AirWatch Per-App VPN Summary

VMware AirWatch supports a number of methods for delivering connectivity to remote mobile endpoints. Per-app VPN functionality, in particular, delivers on the promise of endpoint security by limiting connections to an application, instead of a device level. VMware AirWatch Per-App Tunnel takes per-app VPN a couple steps further by restricting app access to whitelisted domains with Split-Tunneling, and specifying the database the whitelisted domains can access with VMware NSX micro-segmentation.

With contributions from:
Catherine Sanders, Senior Technical Marketing Manager, End-User-Computing Technical Marketing, VMware

Hannah Jernigan, Technical Writer, End-User-Computing Technical Marketing, VMware