Business Continuity Featured

ANNOUNCING: Our 2017 End-User Computing (EUC) Champions


Congratulations to these 28 thought leaders!

Thought leadership is easier said than done. It takes hard work and an ear to the ground to stay on top of industry trends. It also takes a certain amount of finesse to influence people in the industry year after year.

Many of our 2017 VMware EUC Champions have been thought leaders for decades, while others are rapidly becoming the go-to experts in their respective area. Whether new or returning, this year’s Champions are among the ranks of end-user computing (EUC) experts, who have done the work, made the commitment and are signed up for more of the same in 2017.

What is the EUC Champions Program?

EUC Champions is an experts-only program designed to provide a forum where the EUC community and VMware EUC product groups come together and share new product information and ideas through in-person meetings, networking events, industry conferences and webinars. This interaction helps ensure VMware EUC experts receive the most up-to-date information, and VMware product teams hear from industry veterans.

What are the requirements to become an EUC Champion?

Not everyone is cut out to be an EUC Champion. It takes deep VMware EUC product expertise, an ability to write about it, a willingness to voice your opinion and the talent to clearly and concisely communicate ideas. EUC Champions are respected by their peers and, most importantly, are respectful of others.

Specifically, we look for candidates that meet the following criteria:

  1. Member of the vExpert Program
  2. Recognized EUC expert
  3. Well regarded member of the greater EUC community
  4. Recommended group member

Our 2017 Champions

This year, we are delighted to announce the following 28 individuals have been accepted into the VMware EUC Champions program for 2017.

2017 VMware EUC Champions list

Interested in becoming a Champion next year?

Once a year, we accept nominations for the EUC Champions program. If you are interested in being considered for next year’s program, please comment below.