Business Continuity VMware Workspace ONE

New Video: How the New Concept of “Work” Changed IT & Computing

The concept of “work” has evolved dramatically over the past decade, and 2016 is the year end-user demands and enterprise IT finally began to come together.

Watch the video below as digital workspace expert and VMware End-User Computing vice president Dave Grant explores:

  • The impact of consumerization on IT and digital work.
  • The balance between user experience and security.
  • VMware’s vision to help solving these challenges with the digital workspace.

Q: The concept of “work” has evolved dramatically. Do you believe work is transitioning to a digital-first workspace?

Dave: Absolutely. We all love to talk about Millennials, right? That’s the one excuse we use. They don’t want to work at a desk. They want to move around. But it’s not a Millennial thing; it’s everybody. Everybody is mobile. We’re checking our phones. We’re always working. We’re never turned off. Whether that’s good or bad, that’s the reality.

You can no longer tether someone to a desk and think that’s the only place they’re going to work. That has a lot of ramifications for both the way you serve those people and also the way you secure and manage that data. That’s what we’re seeing as the big shift in the industry.

Q: How does IT wrangle all those worker demands and technical requirements to deliver the new way to work?

Dave: On one side, you have to make this so simple that users feel comfortable using the technology the company is providing. You do not want them to go off doing their own rogue things, which is what most people do if they don’t get what they want. You’re trying to serve them more as a consumer than you ever have as IT before. Usually, IT should be able to dictate, “You do this, and that’s it.” That’s no longer the case. They know it, and they’re embracing it. They have to do both: make it easy and try to secure it.

The good news is there’s better technology, better tools. We’ve all learned so much from the way the internet has changed things and the way technology changed things. The tools are there, so make it simple for adoption, while at the same time making it secure in the back end—that’s really what we’re trying to do.

Q: What is VMware’s vision for the digital workspace now and in the future?

Dave: Our vision is pretty simple. We want to make any app … available on any device anywhere. We want to make it consumer simple on one side to give users and the line of business the flexibility and choice they want, but at the same time enterprise secure. We have helped enterprises transform their data center in a secure way, and we’re doing the same with the digital workspace.

We want to make it really easy for IT to deliver consumer-type experience to the user. Let them use the technology they want to use that’s fun, easy, accessible, productive. At the same time, make it secure, compliant and all the things enterprises needs it to do to protect their assets. That’s our vision.

Q: What is VMware Workspace ONE?

What we’ve done is start with the user. No longer can you just protect the network. The user and identity has now become the new network. Manage the user. Secure the user. Then you don’t have to worry about what device or app they’re using. Workspace ONE starts with this idea of managing the user and providing the ability to manage the identity across multiple devices and applications.

What we’ve done is combine identity with mobile technologies and with desktop and Windows applications all in one platform. Now we truly can deliver this idea of any app, any device with the Workspace ONE platform.

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