Explore Las Vegas 2023 Employee Experience Insights VMware Explore 2023 VMware Horizon

Race to success! Conquer VMware Horizon environments with precision

Are you facing performance issues with your Horizon VDI environment?  

Does your IT operations team have difficulty managing projects efficiently? 

Are your end users having experience issues?  

If so, let me tell you a story. 

In a bustling city, a shiny red car named Ruby roamed the streets. Ruby was sleek and powerful, but she soon discovered that external factors played a significant role in her performance. 

Weather affected Ruby’s efficiency. On sunny days, she glided effortlessly, running smoothly with optimum power. However, rain made her struggle, with slippery roads and reduced visibility impacting her handling and acceleration. 

The condition of the roads also mattered. Well-maintained roads allowed her to reach maximum speed, but potholes and uneven surfaces made her journey bumpy and inefficient. 

Traffic also influenced Ruby’s progress. Light traffic meant a smooth ride, while rush hour traffic caused constant stops and starts, draining her fuel reserves and straining her engine. 

Fuel quality played a vital role, too. High-quality fuel made her engine purr contentedly, but low-quality or contaminated fuel caused misfires and reduced acceleration. 

Ruby learned that her environment directly affected her performance.  

Understanding these external influences became crucial for her to optimize her technical capabilities. 

What I am trying to say is that the performance and efficiency of your Horizon deployment not only depends on the design of the solution but also on the environment where it is running. I don’t mean your environment is not healthy, but it may not be optimized or configured well for Horizon. 

Here are a few areas to consider for an optimized Horizon environment: 

  1. Active Directory OU & GPO  
  1. Master Image Optimization  
  1. High Availability Configuration  
  1. Best Practices for Antivirus 
  1. Selection of End-User Devices  

Come join me for more insights in my VMware Explore 2023 Las Vegas online session, “Drive a VMware Horizon Environment Like a Ferrari,” available in the on-demand library on August 25. You’ll have the opportunity to learn and improve the health of your Horizon environment. Together, we’ll delve into the overall environment and identify potential pitfalls. Drawing from my extensive experience working with our global customer base, I’ll be sharing valuable insights that can enhance your Horizon setup and achieve your organization’s VDI and DaaS goals. Don’t miss this chance to optimize your end users’ experience!