VMware Horizon

Ready, set, check: The Horizon Installation Pre-req Checker is here!

Attention, current — and future — VMware Horizon administrators! Are you ready to level up your installation game? The VMware Horizon Installation Pre-req Checker Fling* is now available for download. This new tool is designed to help VMware customers validate their infrastructure and ensure it is ready before installing the VMware Horizon Connection Server. Not only is this tool great for VMware customers new to Horizon, but it’s also perfect for those who are moving to Horizon from other VDI, DaaS, and published app platforms, like Citrix.   

Before you can unleash the full power of your Horizon 8 environment, you need to make sure your infrastructure is fully compatible. Thankfully, with the Horizon Installation Pre-req Checker, you can easily generate a pre-requisite report to highlight any potential issues that need to be resolved before you can install the Horizon Connection Server. It identifies roadblocks before they become a problem. You know what they say: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This tool will highlight the root cause of any failure during the pre-requisite checks and provide a recommendation for resolution. As a result, it will save you valuable time and effort, and help prevent headaches down the road.   

To make sure everything is running seamlessly, the Horizon environment relies on various components and infrastructure working together: Active Directory domain controllers, network port groups, database servers, vCenter, ESXi connectivity and accessibility, and Windows Server OS to name a few. But don’t worry, the Horizon Installation Pre-req Checker has you covered! Once you get that green light from the Pre-req Checker, you’ll know your virtual machine is ready to go and you can proceed with the Horizon Connection Server configuration.  

The Horizon Installation Pre-req Checker is not only a game changer for VMware customers planning their own installation, but it also makes life easier for consultants and partners planning to install Horizon for their customers. If you’re a VMware customer, simply run the Pre-req Checker against the virtual or physical machine you’re planning to install the Horizon Connection Server on. If you’re a consultant or partner, just ask your VMware customer to run the Pre-req Checker and to send you the report — no more waiting around for tickets or wasting time on-site while pre-reqs are addressed! With this tool, you’ll be able to hit the ground running and get straight to the fun part — installing Horizon. It’s the perfect entry point to ensure your environment is ready to rock and roll.   

So, what are you waiting for? Get started today by downloading the Horizon Installation Pre-req Checker and testing it out for yourself. And don’t forget to provide your valuable feedback so we can continue improving the tool and making it even better!   

Download a full list of instructions and requirements, by clicking this link.

* Note: Flings are executable, experimental tools or scripts that are developed by VMware’s internal community and released on our external site for VMware’s ecosystem to use. Flings are intended to be explored and improved with your feedback. Learn more here.