Employee Experience VMware Explore 2022 VMware Workspace ONE

Key takeaways from the digital employee experience track at VMware Explore 2022

VMware Explore was a great success, with customers, partners, and team members gathering to learn how VMware can help change the way business is done with our innovative technology and platforms. Improving the digital employee experience (DEX) is a point of emphasis for many companies, and the more than 70 Hybrid Workforce sessions showed how to bring their goals within reach. 

Even if you could not attend the conference in person, the session recordings are available for free, on demand, from the VMware Explore Video Library. This blog recaps three sessions from the DEX track that focus on how we can deliver exceptional employee experiences with Workspace ONE. Throughout the three sessions, our panelists dive deep into how DEX improves onboarding, employee engagement, and remote technology support for our customers’ workforces. 

Digital Employee Experience 101 

Speakers: Nick Brouillette, Product Line Manager; and Jimmy Kacius, Technical Account Manager, VMware; and Craig Adams, Technical Lead for a U.S.-headquartered financial services and insurance company. 

Key Takeaway 

Automation capabilities are a differentiator for many organizations that choose to implement Workspace ONE. Combined with the application of “organization groups,” they create a faster and more reliable provisioning process for new hire onboarding and new applications rollout. 


“Digital employee experience” might still be an unfamiliar term for many, but it is a concept that is integral to every employee’s day-to-day work. In “Digital Employee Experience 101,” product line manager Nick Brouillette leads attendees through the basics of DEX and provides a framework for the customer journeys presented in this session and throughout the DEX track.  

Craig Adams joins the presentation to share how his organization is seeing benefits from their investment in Workspace ONE. Craig explains how the automation functionalities within Workspace ONE create different personas based on existing groups’ needs — and even expand to drive onboarding velocity for new team members. This initiative is supported by self-service remediation features that allow end users to request and be granted (or denied) access to other applications outside of their standard provisions.  

The session provides important information on the critical functionalities of Workspace ONE and illustrates how customers are applying them to solve real-world business challenges. Click here to view the session video.

Delivering Amazing Employee Experiences with Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub 

Speakers: Partheeban Kandasamy, Senior Product Manager, VMware; and Rob Seemann, SVP of Product Strategy and Innovation, Vox Mobile. 

Key Takeaway 

Service desk optimization and remediation velocity should not be an afterthought, and shortcomings in that department affect end users across the organization. Businesses that use VMware to streamline their IT support systems are able to reduce initial helpdesk requests and speed up time-to-resolution for on-site, remote, and hybrid workers. 


Onboarding challenges have always been present in organizations, but recent shifts driven by the pandemic have caused them to rise to the top of business leaders’ priorities. Common challenges can include an overabundance of resources, integration between apps, and user onboarding. Partheeban Kandasamy uses that lens to share how VMware Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub and Hub Services empower organizations to not only solve those existing challenges, but also to improve already established processes and to bolster employee satisfaction throughout the onboarding phase and beyond. 

Vox Mobile is an enterprise mobility management provider and has been a VMware partner for more than a decade. Rob Seemann draws on his vast experience with different shared VMware and Vox Mobile customers to present stories that illustrate numerous use cases. The partner perspective provides a greater variety of customer profiles and challenges that differentiates this session: mergers and acquisitions, onboarding/offboarding temporary workers and contractors, and improving mobile device utility for frontline workers.  

The partner ecosystem’s unique viewpoint makes this session informative for those looking to learn about the flexibility of VMware Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub. You can access the session video here. 

Create the Future of Candidate & Employee Experience in the Digital Space 

Speakers: Ed Bodinsiek, Co-Founder and CEO, Cravety; plus other panelists. 

Key Takeaway 

“Onboarding” does not end after an employee’s first few weeks; most organizations are constantly rolling out new resources and applications to support their employees. VMware Workspace ONE empowers organizations to provide a consistently excellent digital employee experience throughout the employee lifecycle. 


There are no better organizations to share our onboarding story than those that have invested heavily in using VMware to solve their HR challenges. This session is structured as a true panel, with Ed Bodinsiek of Cravety joined by other panelists to tell how Workspace ONE played a key role in their employee onboarding experiences. You can view the session here.  

These sessions are only the beginning of the rich content available from VMware Explore 2022. Check out the VMware Explore Video Library to find the complete set of recordings from this year’s event.