Announcements VMware Explore 2022 Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management

Intel vPro and VMware Workspace ONE: An unparalleled integration for chip-to-cloud management and security

We have been speaking with a lot of customers at VMware Explore this week and one thing is clear: the demands on IT administrators have increased. They must optimize both security and productivity, support devices that are increasingly distributed, and manage devices over multiple non-corporate networks. 

We’re hearing from many customers about how much VMware Workspace ONE helps with these challenges by modernizing PC management. However, IT teams still have difficulties managing, securing, and supporting devices that are out of band, such as devices that are powered off or have operating systems that are not functioning.  

For this reason, since our announcement of our partnership with Intel at VMworld 2021, we have been hard at work integrating Intel vPro® and Workspace ONE UEM. With the integration, organizations can unlock new security, management, and support capabilities for their IT teams and end users, including out-of-band management. 

This integration is the first of its kind between Intel vPro and a UEM solution, and we’re proud to share that the integration has recently become available. Furthermore, this week we are also announcing a new partner program to help more customers take advantage of this integration. 

Intel vPro and Workspace ONE are better together 

If you’re reading this blog, then you’re probably quite familiar with Workspace ONE. But the Intel vPro platform may be something new or sounds vaguely familiar. The Intel vPro platform improves the ability to better secure and manage Windows OS devices. Parts of the platform are Intel® Active Management Technology (Intel® AMT) and Intel® Endpoint Management Assistant (Intel® EMA). Intel AMT provides remote management of Intel vPro-enabled devices, and the Intel EMA software helps make that happen. The Intel EMA software allows IT admins to manage Intel vPro devices remotely and more securely, both inside and outside the firewall. With the Intel vPro platform, IT admins can reach remote systems even when devices are out of band, are powered off, or have unresponsive operating systems. 

Our integration allows organizations to take advantage of Intel vPro capabilities within the Workspace ONE UEM console. With this direct link to the hardware layer of these devices, Windows OS management can be extended to out-of-band devices, including those that are powered off or with non-functioning operating systems. With this integration, you can: 

  • Improve compliance and better secure devices without disrupting user productivity. With the option to deploy patches and updates whether the device is active or asleep, your employees continue to be productive while IT can work after hours to remotely activate the device OS, push patches and updates, and put it back to sleep. 
  • Support devices faster from anywhere with remote assistance and quicker ticket resolutions. Intel vPro provides the capability to access the keyboard, video, and mouse remotely so that IT can run troubleshooting and fixes remotely and restore mobile device management (MDM) functions on the endpoint, reducing ticket times and promoting efficiency. 
  • Provide smoother onboarding and profile deployments over the air. VMware Workspace ONE enables IT to deploy and configure devices remotely and ship them directly to employees via drop-ship provisioning, creating a seamless onboarding experience. Should anything go awry during onboarding, the previously described features give IT the ability and flexibility to address any issues remotely, improving employee experience and security.  

How to take advantage of the benefits of Intel vPro and Workspace ONE 

Customers who already have Intel vPro-enabled devices and manage Windows devices with Workspace ONE UEM, version 2206 or higher, can start to make the most of this integration now.  

“Our customers are already seeing the benefits of this one-of-a-kind native integration, and we’re not stopping here. Intel and VMware are continuing our partnership and developing the next evolution of chip-to-cloud integration,” says Jared Cook, Director of Product Management, UEM Platform & Desktop at VMware. 

This week Intel and VMware are announcing a new partner program to help more customers get the full benefit of both Intel vPro and Workspace ONE. Partners in North America and Europe are taking advantage of this integration and enabling customers of both vPro and Workspace ONE already. If you don’t have Workspace ONE and/or Intel vPro-enabled devices, partners like CDW can help. 

To learn more about the integration from the Intel perspective, check out this blog.

Learn more at Explore 

There are many ways to learn more about this integration. At VMware Explore, Intel is presenting a Quick Talk session titled “Better Together with Intel and VMware Modern Management and Security” [EUSB2317US], and demos of the integration are available at both the Intel and VMware booths. Of course, if you couldn’t make it to Explore this year, contact your Intel or VMware rep to learn more! 

For more VMware Explore news, see our VMware Explore 2022 Anywhere Workspace, Workspace ONE, and Horizon announcement overview and all of the articles in our VMware Explore 2022 category.