VMware Horizon VMware Horizon Cloud

Upcoming Webinar: 5 Ways to Optimize Your Virtual Desktop Experience

2020 has certainly seen an increased demand in desktop virtualization as the majority of office workers continue to work remotely. 

This additional demand has resulted in increased use of the cloud for expansion and business continuity, but has also highlighted the need for tight integration between on-premises and cloud-based management and workloads. While some organizationstypically those that already used desktop virtualization for a high percentage of userswere well-prepared, others are still trying to stabilize their platform while easing management and delivering a consistent user experience.   

On December 17, VMware’s Gabe Knuth and Softchoice’s Scott Mathewson will join IT World Canada CIO Jim Love to deliver a webinar titled “5 Ways to Optimize Your Virtual Desktop Experience.” 

In this webinar, we’ll talk about how desktop virtualization can enable end users to be productive regardless of where their workplace happens to be through collaboration, remote access and security. We’ll dig into how desktop virtualization is a strategic component of this, both today and in the future as the workplace continues to evolve. And we’ll show how taking advantage of cloud-based desktop virtualization platforms like VMware Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop doesn’t mean you have to manage separate environments or move all your workloads to one location or another.  

You’ll learn how VMware Horizon enables hybrid desktop virtualization and management across multiple platforms, both on-premises and in the cloud, how you can take management roles off your plate while focusing on the things you do best, and why our customers like using the VMware Horizon platform. 

Register today to attend this unique, live event! 

For more information on Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure, check out these resources: 

Product Page 

• VMware TechZone Mastering Horizon Cloud on Microsoft Azure 

• Horizon Universal License 90-day free trial