Employee Experience VMware Workspace ONE

5 Questions to Ask During Your Workforce Transformation: Lessons from Dell Technologies World

The first completely virtual Dell Technologies World was last week and what a busy time it was! As part of the Dell family, VMware and Workspace ONE had a big presence, providing a considerable amount of new and interesting content about end user computing. Because it was virtual and global, this free event allowed more people to attend, and on their own schedules. But even if you missed a session  or even missed Dell Technologies World in its entirety – there’s good news for you. Why? All sessions will continue to be available for free online for at least a year, so you can watch them anywhere, at any time. (You can register for free and check out some of the great sessions on the Dell Technologies World website; click the links below to go directly to the sessions.) 

There were many thought-provoking conversations at the event, starting with the keynotes: one from Michael Dell, and one from Jeff Clark and Pat GelsingerThroughout these opening sessions and what followed, the common theme was how the current environment has changed how we do work, and that technology is a key enabler in transforming the global workforce. To empower that workforce, we must undertake a transformation to a flexible and robust technology strategy that promotes and supports work from anywhere.   

This transformation is neither easy nor immediate. To help you on your organization’s journeyhere are the top 5 questions you should consider with your team as you transition to a future ready workforce. 

Where are you now in your journey to a more flexible and future ready workforce?  

A study we conducted with Vanson Bourne this summer found that 89% of companies had at least half of their workforce working remotely this year. Even more interestingly, 57% of these companies expect to have at least half of their workforce working remotely in 2021 – an increase of 23% from 2019. 

It’s no question that you, your teams and your company just went through the most intense and rapid workforce transformation in recent history. Now it is time to make the most of those efforts and ensure your IT environment is sustainable and scalable with technology that can help, like Dell Technologies Unified Workspace.  

As companies were transforming in recent months, we discovered some consistent trends. Specifically, companies face three distinct phases that we term Respond, Adapt and AccelerateWhile we noticed that the order in which companies addressed these phases was not necessarily sequentialmany companies have only started to tackle them and their resulting challenges. The sooner you can identify where your company is in this journey, the sooner you can identify new opportunities to improve and address them. 

To help determine where you are in your journey and help you identify the right actions to take now, watch the session from Sylvia Seybel, Vice President of Marketing at Dell, No Office Required for Innovation: Accelerate Your Flexible Workforce Strategy with Dell Technologies (free registration required). In the session, Sylvia dives into more detail around these three phases and provides recommendations for what you can do. 

How are you addressing increased risks and vulnerabilities due to remote work? 

In the past year we have seen how and where we work change dramatically. While this flexibility provides many advantages, remote work exposes security vulnerabilities at the endpoint and creates additional opportunities for bad actors.  

The good news is there are things you can do now to defend your company’s devices against attacks both above and below the OS. And products like VMware Carbon Black and Dell SafeBIOS found in Dell Technologies Unified Workspace are just a sampling of the software and service solutions that can help. 

 To learn about five ways you can strengthen the security of your endpointswatch the session replay from David Konetski, Dell Technologies Fellow and VP of Security & Communications Solutions, Five Ways to Win the Battle Against Endpoint Threats. 

Are you providing the right technologies from endpoints to datacenter to enable a successful remote workforce? 

Companies today are looking to empower their workforce to work from anywhere, whether by necessity or choice. To do this, they need to provide their workforce the right technology on the right device at the right time. Users must have the ability to switch easily between different devices and operating systems, work and collaborate from anywhere, and still have a positive experience. 

But empowering the workforce doesn’t stop at the device either. They need to access the required applications and data at a speed that’s expected on today’s networks. In fact, user’s stress levels can double when they experience slow, less responsive experiences on their devices.  

To learn more, check out the session Remote Work Solutions that Empower You to Work from Anywhere with Dell’s Tom Wallen, Senior Advisor for Product Marketing and Candace Heeney, Marketing Communications Consultant. They discuss the best methods to address remote work requirements and provide advice as to which technologies to consider depending on the use cases that are important to you—ranging from the digital workspace all the way through security, networking, laptops and home office setups. 

What is your current management strategy? Will your strategy need to change with the move to a more flexible workforce?  

IT teams still using traditional on-premises management tools experienced difficulties transitioning their workforce to remote this year when devices no longer consistently connected to company networks – if they connected at all.  

This forced them to evaluate their existing management strategy, leading them to adopt more streamlined and secure strategy: cloud-native managementThis approach, inherent in VMware Workspace ONE, allows organizations to deploy, manage, secure and support devices in real-time from the cloud, regardless of where their employees are located.  

To learn about the top benefits that can be gained through a flexible, cloud-based management strategy and hear actionable advice on how to make the switch to modern managementwatch the session from our very own Aditya Kunduri, Director of EUC Product Marketing, entitled, Practical Guidance for Modern Management of Remote Windows 10 PCs. 

How are you ensuring good employee experiences and, as a result, employee engagement?  

In today’s modern workforce, flexible remote work options are considered pre-requisites for a job. There are also some clear benefits gained through enabling employees to work from home or locations other than the classic office space. The question is how do we keep these employees engaged and productive, even when they are working remotely, some or all the time?  

Enabling work flexibility for your employees means that technology is the centerpiece of their experience. In fact, it may be their only physical touchpoint with the organization. Employees learn about the company and get to know their co-workers through these technologies. Because of this, ensuring that the employee’s experience through these technologies supports and grows their engagement is paramount to their productivity and job satisfaction. It’s imperative to take advantage of that current momentum to ensure a positive employee experience. 

Continuing this discussion, Brooke Huling, Vice President of Product Management for Dell Commercial Client Software talks about the employee experience and how we can help in her session Maximize Rapid Response Efforts with Modern Lifecycle Solutions. 

Continue your journey to digital transformation  

Seventy-five percent of C-suite leaders say they see our current times as an opportunity to accelerate their digital transformation. We hope these sessions help you during this transformative time.  

Although we missed being able to see everyone in person at Dell Technologies World this year, this virtual event guarantees that you can watch anytime and even pause or rewind if you missed anything (something we really appreciate!). 

The learning doesn’t stop there. To hear from someone who has started their journey, join us on November 5th for our next Unified Workspace event where panelists from Dell Technologies and VMware will be joined by a customer who has started their journey to modernization will continue tdiscuss employee experienceIT modernization and how Dell Technologies Unified Workspace is a key enabler to accelerating workforce transformation. Register for the upcoming event here.