Employee Experience Business Continuity VMware Workspace ONE Workspace ONE Intelligence

The Quest is Over: Deliver the Best Employee Experiences with Workspace ONE

As organizations are transitioning to the new normal, employee experience is paramount. Well-being is at the forefront of conversations for organizations who are considering when and how to bring employees back safely to the office. But, as more employees will work remotely after the pandemic than did prior, keeping employees engaged, productive, safe, and happy, requires rethinking employee experiences.

This year at VMworld, our teams made a number of announcements that can help customers on their quest to deliver best-in-class experiences to their employees.  Here is an overview to help you learn more.

Employee Pre-boarding

We are so excited to announce the general availability of employee pre-boarding as a part of the Workspace ONE experience.

You may have already started using Workspace ONE technologies to onboard devices (mobile and laptop) to get employees productive on their first day.  But, there is a need to keep employees engaged in the period between their signed offer letter and first day. “Pre-boarding” or “day 0” is where Workspace ONE provides personalized digital access to employees. Early access helps to build excitement about joining, educates them on the culture and available programs, and allows them to complete tasks like ordering their new corporate devices, creating a smooth first day transition. Higher engagement cuts down on the number of employees who use the transition time to look for a better job offer and potentially quit before they start.  Extending Workspace ONE during pre-boarding provides employees with a single, unified experience throughout all of their employment transitions.

So, how does it work?  

Let’s look at a scenario.  In the demo video, you’ll see that Acme’s new hire, Peyton, receives a setup link to her personal email address after signing her offer letter.  This allows Peyton to launch into Intelligent Hub on any web browser, where she is greeted with a personalized welcome page guiding her through setup for future logins.  She then browses a curated list of applications  (like Workday, ADP, company website), onboarding tasks (like updating contact information, setting up direct deposit, watching welcome videos from company leadership) and ordering her corporate device of choice through the embedded virtual assistant – VMware AVA.

Admins can use their existing Workspace ONE Access and Hub services configurations to create an Onboarding template that allows customizations specific to their organization’s needs.  You can access the product documentation here.

Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.

Expanded BYO options for every organization

Offering employees the ability to securely use their personal devices for work is more important as workforces become increasingly distributed.  At the start of 2020, 30% of organizations supported formal BYO programs. Now, offering BYO has transitioned from a perk to a pre-requisite of a successful remote work program.

VMware is proud to offer a comprehensive range of BYO options for any organization and any device type.

Supporting BYO for mobile devices has long been a part of the Workspace ONE DNA, from our suite of containerized mobile apps for email, internal browsing, content access and editing, to supporting iOS User Enrollment and Android Work Profile. With Intelligent Hub, employees can access critical apps and services in “Registered Mode” on any mobile device via conditional access and SSO.  When you need access to more sensitive data and native apps, use Adaptive Management to step-up to a higher level of management.

Now, with the latest release of Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for Windows 10, employees can take advantage of the same Registered Mode on their own laptop. Employees can access the web, SaaS apps and other services, including intranet access powered by VMware Tunnel and remote support with Workspace ONE Assist without requiring that Workspace ONE fully manage the device.

This range of BYO options makes working from anywhere on any device a reality.

Time based access controls (coming soon)

Digital transformation is not limited to high tech industries. The frontline workforce across service positions, manufacturing lines, and retail all use technology to ensure safety, collaboration and communication. Organizations need to ensure that corporate data accessed by these traditionally hourly employees is done only during their shifts. With time-based access controls in Workspace ONE, admins will soon be able to extend access to corporate apps and services only during employee shifts. This capability also applies to employees that have work life balance policies dictated by their organization or workers counsel. More information soon to come!

This has been a busy time for many organizations, but it’s important to note that employee experience can dictate the success of a company. Let Workspace ONE help provide personalized, engaging experiences with Intelligent Hub to your workforce, no matter what your requirements are.

To learn more about all of the Digital Workspace news at VMworld 2020, head over to our keynote recap blog: VMworld 2020: All of our EUC announcements, themes, and everything else you need to know.

Learn more about Employee Experience with Workspace ONE here.

To learn more about all of the Digital Workspace news at VMworld 2020, head over to our keynote recap blog: VMworld 2020: All of our EUC announcements, themes, and everything else you need to know.