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Digital Employee Experience Management for a Distributed Workforce by Workspace ONE Intelligence

The COVID-19 pandemic has clearly accelerated the digital workspace journey. Over the past few months, organizations have transitioned to a remote work environment and there are clear signs that this remote-first model is going to be the new norm for a significant portion of their workforce. As organizations pivot to this new world of work, they must look to optimize IT operations in ways that ensure employees remain engaged and productive.

Many VMware customers are already embracing VMware Workspace ONE  to drive the digital workspace transformation in their organizations. Over the years, Workspace ONE has become integral to delivering a delightful employee experience on any device, any app, and anywhere! A fundamental consideration in this journey is not just to enable employees with the “any”, but also provide them with the best digital experience across the tools they use to perform their jobs.

Why? Because employee experience is directly linked to retention, productivity and customer satisfaction – all of which impact the business’s bottom line. So, it isn’t surprising at all that IT teams are increasingly being measured on employee experience in addition to the more traditional metrics around cost savings and security. This also means that measuring employee experience is becoming more and more critical to the digital transformation projects. The deeper employee experience insights you gain, the richer set of actions you can take to keep them engaged and productive.

To that end, VMware’s Digital Employee Experience Management (DEEM), part of Workspace ONE Intelligence, delivers user experience analytics and insights, enabling IT teams to measure and proactively improve employee experience across the digital workspace. Backed by a powerful automation engine in Workspace ONE Intelligence, DEEM further empowers IT to take corrective actions and quickly remediate workspaces issues, drastically reducing mean time to resolution and improving overall experience.

How does it work?

As an integral part of the Workspace ONE platform, DEEM collects a rich set of environment KPIs across the customer’s digital workspace, such as user activity (login failures, boot/shutdown duration, app usage and navigation, etc.), device health (battery life, memory capacity, etc.), OS crashes, app performance and more.

DEEM correlates this real-time data coming from multiple sources and provides rich set of insights in the form of dashboards, reports and most importantly, a unified experience score. IT teams gain complete visibility across a broad set of experience analytics and they can segment the data based on organization group, location, device platform or any other parameter to optimize and prioritize next steps.

Based on the insights, admins can proactively identify issues and perform root cause analysis, for example, drill down into a specific user that shows poor experiences or troubleshoot stacktraces for an app with high crash rate. With the robust automation engine in Workspace ONE Intelligence, they can automate issue remediation across any app and any device.

Let’s look at a few examples:

Long PC boot and shutdown times lead to employee annoyance and also impact overall experience. With DEEM, you can specify performance thresholds and easily identify which devices might have issues such as misconfiguration or hardware failure, with drill down capabilities for root cause analysis.

Let’s look at another example. Employees switch between many apps every day to perform their job. Poorly performing app increases anxiety and hinders productivity. With DEEM, IT is now able to better track app errors, crashes and hangs, and monitor app network performance metrics such as data in/out, error rate and number of calls. Here is a great demo.

Managing the digital employee experience should not be yet another tool you are using, or SLA driven “task” for your IT teams! Rather, a holistic approach to continually engage and delight your employees across every digital touchpoint with their workspace. DEEM is uniquely positioned as part of Workspace ONE platform to help support this goal. The integration of Workspace ONE Intelligence with Workspace ONE Unified Endpoint Management (UEM), Workspace ONE Access, Workspace ONE Productivity Apps, third-party tools and soon VMware Horizon enables an end-to-end, in context visibility into the entire digital workspace environment and the employee lifecycle from onboarding to retirement, that other tools simply don’t have access to.

Finally, beyond experience analytics and automation, organizations should also pay attention to employee sentiment in the form of real-time qualitative feedback. Listening to employee feedback and taking concrete steps to drive the experience scores above industry benchmarks is critical to accelerate the digital workspace journey. Stay tuned!