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Industry Expert Ron Oglesby Joins the VMware EUC Team

Today I’m proud to announce a new addition to what’s already the #BestEUCTeam in the business, as industry expert Ron Oglesby will be joining VMware as an Architect in our EUC CTO office.

Ron’s been in the EUC space since 1999 when he was first confronted, as a support rep, with desktop attached printers that would not work in remote desktop sessions. He dove headfirst into that issue (and resolved the support ticket) and has since went on to become one of our earliest industry experts in all things EUC and virtualization.

Since that early introduction, Ron was a proponent and adopter of Session-Based solutions, VDI, App Virtualization and Server Virtualization (all the way back to ESX 1.5 and 2.0). He spent several years focusing on server virtualization and data center reconfiguration due to virtualization, then moved back to EUC focusing on file system and registry virtualization used in layering technologies that are leveraged by all major vendors today.

Ron has written five books about desktop and server virtualization and many of you will remember his first VMware book (co-authored with Scott Herold) as the first VMware ESX Server book available way back in 2005.

He loves to engage with the technical community and believes that this engagement is a two-way street – one that benefits the customer as much as it does the company developing the product.

As our newest architect, Ron will continue to focus on customers, technologies and future roadmaps. His job will be to engage with VMware customers, partners, employees and the EUC community. He’ll help tell our EUC story and vision and help ensure the community’s feedback is brought back and merged into our product strategy.

Those who have interacted with Ron know that he is very straight-forward, with no patience for things that do not work in the field.  He doesn’t pull any punches and is very thoughtful when it comes to new ideas and alternatives to existing solutions. I am thrilled he believes in VMware and our EUC vision, products and people enough to join us as a full-time employee.

I’m looking forward to being able to call Ron a colleague, again, after knowing him for the past 20 years (Ron and I worked together in the early days of EUC at an IT consulting firm in Chicago). Ron will be posting content to this blog as he meets with customers and helps shape our technology.  Be sure to check back in here as he starts posting in the next couple of weeks. And, of course, you can continue to catch up with him on Twitter – @RonOglesby.  In the meantime, please join me in welcoming Ron to the #BestEUCTeam!