Business Continuity Employee Experience Featured

The Future of Employee Experience

Even in times of uncertainty and crisis, the world doesn’t come to a halt. Nevertheless, many people have had their normal day to day life turned upside down as a result of the recent pandemic. As a business, it’s important to understand how this life adjustment impacts employee experience and consequentially, drives business success. In today’s state of the workforce, it’s more critical than ever that employees are engaged, no matter where they might be working. To empower employees, HR and IT must align and partner to provide the best experiences anytime, anywhere, all while ensuring best-in-class security and scale so organizations can adjust as conditions change. That’s why we’re hosting The Future of Employee Experience Summit, on April 2, 2020 to help HR and IT put employees first.

How to achieve employee business continuity through cross-functional partnership

Everyone is experiencing a change from business as usual. While companies are concerned with business continuity, it’s important for them to consider the major workforce shift that is taking place globally and how it is affecting their own employees. With this in mind, how can businesses act as not only employers, but partners, to their employees and ensure their safety and support productivity? Our first session will explore what organizations should consider for business continuity amid a pandemic response.

Investing in a remote first culture

In order for your organization’s business continuity plan to become a reality, investing in a remote first culture is key. As many users are finding themselves transitioning from working in an office to working remote for the foreseeable future, it’s important for employers to be advocates of working remote from an IT and an HR perspective, as it is now a key experience driver for their workforce. The way you plan and implement remote work can vary based on your industry.  Our second session will provide perspectives on why you should plan and prepare for supporting remote work, the time to complete the transition, what a remote first culture means, the value in continuing to offer remote flexibility once the state of emergency has lifted and more.

Enable flexible solutions for your mobile workforce

Enabling a connected workforce is critical for digital readiness and business continuity in today’s rapidly changing macro environment. Despite the many unknowns, it is critical to business success that organizations continue to innovate. Driving a cohesive connected workforce policy that delivers engaging employee experiences is not just a nice to have, but an important business imperative. Ensure adoption by helping employees improve their productivity experience and securely access all the data, devices, apps and services they need in the office, or on-the-go.

Practical considerations for a remote work program at your organization

Thanks to the evolution of technology, employees can work anytime, anywhere. But, you need to ensure that your employees and managers are prepared to work in this new environment.  With smartphones, tablets and laptops, the opportunity is right at their fingertips – literally. But beyond technology, you need to ensure that leaders are prepared for engaging teams when face to face conversation or water cooler chats are no longer an option. By proactively working to create a culture of communication, transparency, and empathy, you will see a remote work program that provides greater flexibility, higher productivity, reduced organizational costs and more.  Our fourth session will explain the requirements involved in creating and maintaining a successful, sustainable remote work program that allows employees to thrive.

Discover how to become a remote workplace rock star by signing up for our free, virtual event here and discover how HR and IT can work together to help employees stay productive and safe during the crisis, and come out stronger and more competitive than ever before.