Featured Business Continuity Technical Guides

Jumpstart BYOD Engagement with our Work Profile Adoption Kit

We’ve spoken about the benefits of the work profile multiple times on this blog, highlighting the stellar experience Google has created to help us get work done on our Android devices. I outlined my own experience with the work profile as I use it every day. We also dedicated an episode of our YouTube series to the benefits of the work profile for an end user and an organization. As you can probably tell, we’re big fans of the work profile experience and are committed to making it successful for your users!

However, we understand that enabling the Work Profile for your end users is more than just turning on Android Enterprise in the Workspace ONE UEM console. To truly drive adoption, end user education is critical. End users are more likely to participate in a BYOD program (for Android or any platform) if they understand how their privacy is respected and how participating in the program enables them to be more productive.

Easily build a work profile campaign!

To effectively educate end users on the benefits of the work profile, we created a set of assets to help organizations develop an internal campaign for work profile adoption. Inspired by our BYOD adoption kit, the work profile adoption kit includes:

• An HTML email template to announce work profile availability and highlight benefits to users. Tips for editing the HTML template are also provided.

• Two posters that can be edited with organization-specific branding.

• Two email headers that can be edited with organization-specific branding.

• A work profile FAQ for your end users’ questions.

• A work profile enrollment guide.

The work profile adoption kit is available here.

We hope you find these assets useful (either as is, or as a starting point for organization-specific customization) to create great internal campaigns to drive work profile adoption!