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Workspace ONE SDK Capabilities You Should Know About

Every industry across the globe is adopting digital technologies to transform the way employees work. One of the primary components of the enterprise digital technology puzzle is mobile apps. In 2017 alone, consumers downloaded 178.1 billion mobile apps worldwide. It’s no surprise enterprises are jumping in to delivering compelling business apps that rival the apps we use in our personal lives to make work easier.

While many out-of-the-box enterprise apps take a “one size fits all” approach, more enterprises than ever are developing their own custom enterprise apps to transform things like content delivery, training, line of business, communication, signatures, servicing customers and more. But developing apps for the enterprise isn’t an easy task. Developers and IT must work together on a strategy to align on things like security requirements, DLP policies, app access and more which can be difficult to do in a cost-effective, timely fashion. With the advent of GDPR and more organizations beginning to move toward a privacy-minded culture, privacy notices and consent prompts for usage analytics within apps become more critical both from a legal and end-user transparency perspective.

The Workspace ONE Software Development Kit (SDK) aims to solve this problem by providing a portfolio of code libraries for developers to build against based on individual app requirements, the Workspace ONE SDK gives developers an IT approved solution to build enterprise-ready applications in a matter of minutes, reducing alignment complexities, time to market, and the overall cost of developing the app.

We also encourage independent software vendors to build with our SDK to make it easier for joint customers to deploy the ISV mobile application without additional development work for the customer. The most recent ISV to implement our SDK is Tableau Mobile for Workspace ONE. Read more in the Tableau announcement blog.  

“With today’s release of the Tableau Mobile app for Workspace ONE®, we are empowering IT administrators with the perfect way to allow users within their organization to visualize, analyze, and leverage data at scale, all while securing enterprise data at all times across devices.”

-Rahul Motwani, Tableau

Workspace ONE Capabilities

The Workspace ONE SDK supports a wealth of capabilities to meet various use cases today. Let’s take a look at the top 3 most valuable capabilities our SDK provides according to our customers.  

Integrated authentication for SSO

App developers can easily integrate our integrated authentication feature to reduce end-user friction when authenticating to websites and other authenticated services. This is done by utilizing our SDK secure credential storage to automatically authenticate on behalf of users to avoid redundant login prompts being shown. One less prompt in the mobile app setup process can have a significant impact on user adoption of apps and ultimately help drive employee productivity.

Automatic network traffic tunneling

In today’s enterprise, mobile devices can span beyond the perimeter of the firewall in comparison to traditional endpoints of old. Being able to securely access resources from outside the corporate network in the blink of an eye on a mobile app has become crucial to improving employee productivity. By integrating the SDK in an app, the app can instantly tunnel traffic back to the corporate infrastructure and surface corporate data without the need to install a separate VPN app.

Security, app passcode, DLP policies

This new level of accessibility created by mobile devices also warrants additional due diligence to responsibly protect and secure this data. Many organizations choose to make use of the SDK’s security capabilities such as access control, DLP, and encryption to ensure corporate data is only accessible by entitled users, data does not cross boundaries between work and personal apps, and any data persisted is secured through FIPS validated data-at-rest encryption.

To learn more about the Workspace ONE SDK visit the VMware Workspace ONE Dev Center. Here, you’ll find a wealth of developer focused content and support for enabling apps to seamlessly integrate with Workspace ONE.

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