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[Session Recap] EUC All-Stars at VMworld 2018

We came, we saw, we conquered. At VMworld 2018, VMware End User Computing made a name for itself once again. Our expert-led breakout sessions consistently ranked as the top-attended sessions, and our hands-on labs were some of the most popular! However, in five jam-packed days, it’s hard to catch everything. To make sure you didn’t miss a session, today’s post provides links to videos of sessions led by EUC technical experts. Without further ado, let’s dive in! [tabs slidertype=”top tabs”] [tabcontainer] [tabtext]Top Rated[/tabtext][tabtext]Workspace ONE[/tabtext][tabtext]Windows 10[/tabtext] [tabtext]Horizon 7[/tabtext] [tabtext]Horizon Cloud[/tabtext][/tabcontainer] [tabcontent][tab]

Top-Rated EUC Content from VMworld 2018 US

If you weren’t able to catch any of our daily top 10 sessions live, you don’t have to suffer from FOMO. Just click the links below to access a video recording of the session.

In addition to having our popular sessions, two EUC Hands-On Labs were ranked in the Top 10 of all VMware!


Workspace ONE UEM Session Recordings

Workspace ONE UEM admins, these technical topics are for you! The breakout sessions listed below consist of technical lectures on relevant topics provided by EUC’s best and brightest.

To see even more, browse the full VMworld On-Demand Video Library.[/tab][tab]

Windows 10 Session Recordings

Windows 10 admins, these technical topics are for you! The breakout sessions listed below consist of technical lectures on relevant topics provided by EUC’s best and brightest.

To see even more, browse the full VMworld On-Demand Video Library.[/tab] [tab]

Horizon 7 Session Recordings

Horizon admins, these technical topics are for you! The breakout sessions listed below consist of technical lectures on relevant topics provided by EUC’s best and brightest.

To see even more, browse the full VMworld On-Demand Video Library.[/tab] [tab]

Horizon Cloud Session Recordings

Horizon Cloud admins, these technical topics are for you! The breakout sessions listed below consist of technical lectures on relevant topics provided by EUC’s best and brightest.

To see even more, browse the full VMworld On-Demand Video Library.

[/tab] [/tabcontent] [/tabs]

What’s Next for VMworld

That concludes our wrap-up of VMworld 2018 US! But don’t worry—the VMworld fun doesn’t end here. VMworld 2018 Europe, takes place November 5-8 in Barcelona. You can still register to attend by visiting the official VMworld Europe website. If you’re unable to make it to Spain in November, you can always start prepping for VMworld 2019 which makes a return to the city by the bay: San Francisco!