Business Continuity By Product Featured VMware Workspace ONE

The War for Talent & Access Management: What Do These Have in Common?

Employee talent is one of the strongest differentiators a business can have. Talented employees ensure your organization thrives through good and bad times. Without the right employees with the right talent, your organization may miss opportunities and struggle to adapt to trends. Because talent is fundamental to success, smart organizations strive to hire and retain the best people in a competition known as the “war for talent.”

Some organizations compete for talent only in the most obvious way: by offering higher and higher pay, bonuses, stock options or other financial incentives. While compensation is clearly important to how people decide where to work, smart organizations look beyond the obvious to find cost-effective ways to compete. By giving employees a sense of accomplishment and removing the frustrations that come with feeling stuck, companies can make sure employees love working there and make it easy for employees to get work done.

Luckily, IT has an unprecedented opportunity to step in, take charge and strengthen organizations by providing a top-tier experience for talented workers. Companies that provide a digital workspace (which provides the applications employees want and need and makes them readily accessible anywhere, anytime and on any device) can win the war for talent and drive growth through their people.

Attracting & Retaining Talent to Drive Growth

impact_of_business_apps_on_end_usersAccording to the employee research from Forbes Insights, employees in organizations with highly available and accessible apps were 300% more likely to report that their organizations were attractive places to work than organizations with less effective app access. Employees also reported that better app access made them feel more personally productive, increasing feelings of accomplishment and reducing frustration. To compete for employees with valuable skills, building digital workspaces for easy app access is a vital way for you to attract and retain top talent.

Keeping employees happy isn’t the only benefit of a digital workspace, however; digital workspaces that empower employees also help companies outperform competitors. Forbes Insights found that employees at companies with digital workspaces were five times more likely to report increases in productivity than employees at companies with traditional workspaces. They also found that companies with digital workspaces objectively outperformed those relying on dated workspace concepts.


Building the Employees-First Digital Workspace

Building a digital workspace for your employees requires two things:

  1. Make apps available and easily accessible. With available, easily accessible apps, drive employee satisfaction and business growth. As employees interact with more apps to do their work, availability, wherever they are, and easy access, no matter the conditions, drive productivity.
  2. Scale your solutions to all the devices, cloud services and apps your employees use. Employees are used to accessing their consumer apps wherever they are on all their devices; your workspace must deliver the same level of consistency to keep employees happy and productive.

VMware Workspace ONE Delivers the Employees-First Digital Workspace

VMware Workspace ONE is designed to enable productivity and deliver satisfaction for your valuable employees, while maintaining the security IT needs to ensure corporate data is protected. Workspace ONE combines the power of VMware AirWatch unified endpoint management (UEM) and VMware Horizon apps and desktop virtualization technologies with a layer of access management designed for the digital workspace.

Workspace ONE makes apps easily accessible by walking employees through each stage of their digital workspace journey.

  1. On day one, when a new employee is onboarded, IT can ask her to download the Workspace ONE app. The Workspace ONE app contains everything she needs to be productive: Her mobile apps, her cloud apps, web apps, virtual apps and even legacy on-prem apps.
  2. During her work days, she can easily access those apps with password-less, seamless single sign-on (SSO). No matter what device she uses, her apps are available and the experience is consistent. If her device is stolen or hacked or unintentionally acquires malware through a consumer app, she can be denied access to her work apps or be prompted to log in with a higher level of authentication. No matter what happens to the device, Workspace ONE helps the employee resolve the problem without requiring IT help desk tickets.
  3. If she chooses to leave the company, then on the last day, IT can simply remove any corporate data from her personal device while leaving her personal information untouched and intact. Furthermore, her access to corporate resources is revoked, keeping her and the company safe.

Learn More About Workspace ONE & the Digital Workspace

To learn more about how Workspace ONE can help you grow your company with a digital workspace, visit us at Gartner Identity & Access Management (IAM) Summit 2017! We’ll have a booth in the exhibitor’s hall, as well as a speaking session on Tuesday, 10:45 a.m., on how to build your digital workspace.

If you can’t meet us at Gartner IAM, please visit, or contact your VMware account representative for more details.