Desktops By Product VMware Horizon

JMP Is Here! See It Live at VMworld

Earlier this year, we introduced our Just-in-Time Management Platform (JMP—we pronounce it “jump”) to blow apart the desktop status quo. It’s evolved into something truly special that will change the way you provision desktops.

Tuesday, 5 p.m., at VMworld U.S. is your first chance to see this game-changing technology. There’ll be beer, cake references and the unstoppable Harry Labana (@harrylabana), vice president of management services and strategy for VMware End-User Computing (EUC).

VMworld 2017 Breakout Session:

Modernize Management with JMP Technologies in VMware Horizon & Take a Look at Where We Are Headed”

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Too Complex. Too Slow. Too Many Breakpoints.

Most of you use a static desktop provisioning model that makes it difficult for you to:

  • Deliver workspaces quickly and efficiently to all users and endpoints.
  • Be agile to end-user requests.
  • Keep up with OS updates and patches (especially with Windows 10).
  • Manage application and OS dependencies.
  • Respond when something goes wrong.

Just-in-Time Delivery

JMP is our answer to those problems. If I were in marketing, I’d sell it to you as “Simple. Fast. Bulletproof.” But I’m not; I’m a product guy. So, instead I’ll tell you that I recognize that you’re currently working too hard, fighting with yesterday’s provisioning tools and struggling with infrastructure that’s beyond its sell-by date. And I want to help.

In a JMP-managed world, you define the desktop workspace that your users want, but leave the building of it to our automation engine. JMP offers a single integrated console that leverages VMware Instant Clone Technology, VMware App Volumes and VMware User Environment Manager to deliver tailored workspaces built from a common gold image.

User-Centric Automation

You identify your users (individuals and groups), tag their desired attributes (policies, apps, infrastructure, etc.) and press go. The JMP engine then automates the creation of bespoke desktops that exactly meet your users’ needs. On the device they want.

It’s as simple as it gets.

It gives you more time, flexibility and, oddly, control.


Too Complex. Too Slow. Too Many Breakpoints. Solved.

Going back to how we started this blog, JMP’s dynamic engine gives makes it easy for you to:

  • Deliver workspaces quickly and efficiently to all users and endpoints.
  • Be agile to end-user requests.
  • Keep up with OS updates and patches.
  • Manage application and OS dependencies.
  • Respond when something goes wrong.

Moving from a static to an automated management model gives you numerous benefits. Not least amongst them is the fact that you only consume resources when your users call upon them. No more pre-provisioning. No more downtime for patching. Just-in-time delivery across your entire desktop estate.

Cloud Ready

With JMP automating the actual desktop building, simply changing the target environment for your users can move someone from an on-prem environment to a hybrid or cloud based one. You now have a solution that leverages the infrastructure you’ve built, to deliver the desktops your CTO told you to prepare for.

See for Yourself

We like to say that we’re making managing virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) a piece of cake. Everyone likes cake, right? Join Harry and I at VMworld, and get a sneak peek at the future of JMP—we’ll give you beer and maybe even cake. Possibly even a copy of Fusion 10. You should be there.

EUC mobility virtualization VMworld 2017