Workspace ONE Access Employee Experience Technical Guides

Symantec VIP Authentication for VMware Identity Manager

Do you want to integrate 3rd-party identity provider functionality into the VMware Identity Manager authentication workflow? Then you are in luck! Today’s post explains how to enable Symantec VIP authentication for VMware Identity Manager access.

Symantec VIP Authentication for VMware Identity Manager

VMware Identity Manager is an Identity as a Service (IDaaS) product offered by VMware. Since it is a stand-alone product, it does not require  3rd-party integrations to authenticate end users. However, integrating a 3rd-party authentication solution with VMware Identity Manager might make sense or be necessary in certain cases. That’s where Symantec Validation and Identity Protection (VIP), a centralized site for managing user credentials, comes into the picture. Integrate Symantec VIP with VMware Identity Manager to implement single or multi-factor authentication into vIDM via Symantec VIP.

Symantec VIP Authentication for VMware Identity Manager Workflows

WorkspaceONE_SSOPrior to attempting integration, it makes sense to review the configuration options.  Since there are multiple ways to integrate Symantec VIP with VMware Identity Manager, this post explains two common options.

Single-Factor Authentication with Symantec VIP

This method uses Symantec VIP as the only authentication factor for accessing the VMware Identity Manager portal and its applications.

The workflow begins when an end-user first opens the VMware Identity Manager portal. VMware Identity Manager then redirects the end user to Symantec VIP, which challenges the user for their credentials. The end user then provides their credentials which Symantec VIP validates. Post-validation, Symantec VIP then redirects the end user to  to the VMware Identity Manager portal. Once connected to the portal, end users access any managed application through single-sign on.

Multi-Factor Authentication with Symantec VIP

This method uses Symantec VIP as the second authentication factor for accessing the VMware Identity Manager portal or specific applications. Multi-factor authentication is ideal for organizations with complex security requirements.

The workflow begins when an end-user first opens the VMware Identity Manager portal. VMware Identity Manager then challenges the user for their credentials. Then end user then authenticates, gets validated, and redirects to Symantec VIP with a SAML request. Since the SAML request contains a NameID, Symantec VIP uses the NameID to issue an authentication challenge. The end user then responds to the challenge, and Symantec VIP validates their response. Once authentication completes, the end-user redirects to the VMware Identity Manager portal, and can access any managed application from the portal through single-sign on.

Want to see the workflow in action? Then check out this VMware Identity Manager + Symantec VIP demo.

Integrate Symantec VIP Authentication for VMware Identity Manager

Once you’ve reviewed the available workflows, determine if you want to use Symantec VIP for single or multi-factor authentication. Once decided, you’re ready to begin integration! Complete the following steps to get started.

[learn_more caption=”1. Obtain the VMware Identity Manager Service Provider Metadata”]

  1. Open the VMware Identity Manager Administrative Console.
  2. Navigate to Catalog > Settings.
  3. From the menu on the left, select SAML Metadata.
  4. On the Download SAML Certificate window, click Service Provider (SP) Metadata.
  5. Save the file as sp.xml.

[/learn_more][learn_more caption=”2. Download the VMware Identity Manager Signing Certificate”]

  1. Open the VMware Identity Manager Administrative Console.
  2. Navigate to Catalog > Settings.
  3. From the menu on the left, select SAML Metadata.
  4. On the Download SAML Certificate window, click Download.
  5. Save the file as signingCertificate.cer.

[/learn_more][learn_more caption=”3. Configure Symantec VIP Login”]

  1. Open the VIP Manager Administrative Console.
  2. Navigate to Policies > VIP Login > Edit.
  3. Next to Import Metadata File, click Choose File.
  4. Select sp.xml.
  5. Next to Verification Certificate, click Choose File.
  6. Select signingCertificate.cer.
  7. Click Save.

[/learn_more][learn_more caption=”4. If Configuring Single-Factor Symantec VIP Authentication, Enable VIP PIN and Set a PIN code. “]

  1. Open Symantec VIP.
  2. Navigate to Policies > AccountEdit.
  3. Configure the VIP PIN policy settings. [box]
    • Require a minimum number of characters.
    • Set character requirements.
    • Configure an expiration date for the PIN.
    • Set the number of unique PINs required before the user can reuse a PIN.[/box]

[/learn_more][learn_more caption=”5. Download Symantec VIP Metadata”]

    1. Open Symantec VIP.
    2. Navigate to Policies > VIP Login.
    3.  Configure single or multi-factor Symantec VIP Authentication for VMware Identity Manager:[box]
      • VIP Login Idp (Second Factor Only) – Download metadata xml to enable multi-factor authentication with Symantec VIP.
      • VIP Login Idp (First and Second Factor) – Download metadata xml to enable single-factor authentication with Symantec VIP. [/box]

[/learn_more][learn_more caption=”6. Add Symantec VIP as a 3rd-party IDP in VMware Identity Manager”]

    1. Open the VMware Identity Manager Administrative Console.
    2. Navigate to Identity & Access Management > Manage > Identity Providers > Add Identity Provider.
    3. Complete the fields to add an identity provider: [box]
      • Identity Provider Metadata – Copy the SAML metadata from the file saved in Step 5
      • Name ID Format – Appears as urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified.
      • Name ID Value – Select according to your environment.
      • Name ID Policy in SAML Request – Appears as urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified.
      • Authentication Method – Select urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport.


[/learn_more][learn_more caption=”7. Define Policy and Policy Rule”]

Define the policy and policy rule for single or multi-factor Symantec VIP Authentication. [box type=”shadow”]

  • Single-factor – Set the first authenticator in the authentication chain to the defined authentication policy.Symantec VIP Authentication for VMware Identity Manager
  • Multi-factor – Set the second authenticator in the authentication chain to the defined authentication policy.

To learn more about configuring policies, refer to the chapter Managing Access Policies in the VMware Identity Management Admin Guide.[/learn_more]

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