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Honeywell Dolphin CT50 Bar Code Enrollment into VMware AirWatch

Use bar code enrollment to expedite the VMware AirWatch enrollment process for the Honeywell Dolphin CT50 (Android), an enterprise-ready 4G/LTE mobile computer. This enrollment flow requires the use of two Honeywell software utilities: the EZConfig Editor and the EZConfig for Scanning. These utilities create the bar codes required to establish Wi-Fi settings and enroll the Honeywell CT50.

In the following workflow, use the EZConfig Editor to create two sets of bar codes. The first set establishes a Wi-Fi configuration on the Honeywell CT50. The second set enrolls the Honeywell CT50 into VMware AirWatch. Once generated, the bar codes display on the PC, directly within the EZConfig Editor. Honeywell CT50 users can then print and scan the bar codes, or scan them directly from the PC display.

Installing the EZConfig Editor on a Windows PC

To begin, install the EZConfig Editor, which produces the bar codes used to establish Wi-Fi Settings and enroll.

1.    From your Windows PC, click the Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions link.

2.    Click the Software tab, and under the Tools and Utilities section, click the Honeywell EZConfig for Mobility Setup r411 link and download the Honeywell EZConfig for Mobility Setup file.

Note: The file version number may vary depending on the update schedule from Honeywell.

3.    Unzip the file, and install the application using the setup.exe file.

4.    When complete, the EZConfig Editor window appears on the PC.


Installing the Power Tools Application on the Honeywell CT50

Next, check that the Power Tools family of applications installed on the Honeywell CT50 device. Then, if they are not installed, download and install them.

1.    Check the apps screen on your Honeywell CT50, and look for the Power Tools icon. If present, skip this section and begin Establishing Wi-Fi Settings on the Honeywell CT50 with the EZConfig Editor.

       Alternatively, if the Power Tools icon is not present, navigate to Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions, and download Then, click the Software tab under the Tools and Utilities section.

Note: The file version number may vary depending on the update schedule from Honeywell.

3.    After downloading the file, establish a USB connection between your PC and the Honeywell CT50. Then copy the file to the /Honeywell/autoinstall folder on the internal storage card of the Honeywell CT50.


4.    Hold down the power button until a menu appears, and select Reboot. After the reboot installation occurs automatically.

5.    After successful installation, the Power Tools icon appears in the Honeywell CT50 app drawer. Click the Power Tools icon to access the EZConfig icon (EZConfig for Scanning utility).


Establishing Wi-Fi Settings with the EZConfig Editor

After installing the EZConfig utilities, use the PC-based EZConfig Editor to establish Wi-Fi settings on the Honeywell CT50.

1.    Establish a USB connection between your PC and the Honeywell CT50 so you can upload the DeviceConfig.xml file from the Honeywell CT50 to the PC.

Note: Only perform this step once, for the initial file upload.

2.    In the EZConfig Editor, select File > Open.


3.    Navigate to the Internal Storage/honeywell/ezconfig/generated folder, select the DeviceConfig.xml file, and click Open.

Note: If the generated folder does not exist, click the EZConfig for Scanning utility inside the Power Tools folder on the Honeywell CT50. This forces creation of the generated folder on the device.


4.    Select DeviceConfig > Connection Settings > Radio Manager > Supplicant > Profile 1, and enter the values to modify the Wi-Fi settings in the DeviceConfig.xml file.

Note: The Key: PSK panel describes the field values.


5.    Select File > Save As, and save the settings to an EXM file for future use. You can give the file a unique name, specific to your own requirements.


6.    In the EZConfig Editor, select File > Create EZConfig Bar Code.


In the EZConfig Bar Code window, see the resulting bar code.


7.    On the Honeywell CT50, under Power Tools, select the EZConfig for Scanning utility to scan the bar code.

Note: There might be multiple bar codes to scan. If the Wi-Fi fails to connect, reboot the device to establish the connection.

Creating Access to Files for Enrollment

After establishing Wi-Fi settings on the Honeywell CT50, use the EZConfig Editor to establish access to the enrollment files.

1.    From your browser, navigate to your VMware AirWatch Console, select Devices > Staging & Provisioning > Staging, and click Add to create an Android Staging Package.


2.    In the Staging window, enter the Enrollment User and Password credentials. However, leave the Manifest tab empty.


3.    In the upper-right corner of the Staging window, click the down arrow, and in the drop-down menu, select Sideload Staging.


4.    In the Generate Sideload Staging Package window, click the Organization Group field, and select the desired Organization Group for enrollment. Alternatively, select the Universal check box to have the user choose their Organization Group during enrollment.


5.    Click Download to download the Sideload Staging ZIP file to your PC, and save the file to a convenient location.


6.    On your PC, locate and unzip the file, and open the enrollment folder.


7.    From the enrollment folder, upload the credentials.bin file to a file repository accessible to the Honeywell CT50. Take note of the path for future configuration within the EZConfig Editor.

8.    From the VMware AirWatch Resources Portal, upload the latest VMware AirWatch Android Agent to the same file repository  the Honeywell CT50 accesses. Again, take note of the path for future configuration within the EZConfig Editor.

9.    From the VMware AirWatch Resources Portal, upload the latest Honeywell Services APK file to the same file repository the Honeywell CT50 accesses. Again, take note of the path for future configuration within the EZConfig Editor.

Establishing EZConfig Editor Settings for Enrollment

After creating access to files for VMware AirWatch enrollment, establish enrollment settings in the EZConfig Editor.

1.    From the EZConfig Editor on the PC, click Download Provisioner_bin, and download the Provisioner_bin.exm file.

2.    In the EZConfig Editor, select the provisioner_bin.exm file to highlight it, and select File > Open to open this file and see the Tasks folder.


3.    In the first Task folder of the EZConfig Editor, click the Value field associated with each Key field. Modify the entry as follows:

  • Source – Must contain a repository link to the bin file using the <link>/<file> format. For example: <link>/credentials.bin
  • Action – Must contain the InstallFile action command
  • Destination – Must contain a storage location on the device, and /sdcard/credentials.bin is the recommended location

For Example:

4.    In the second Task folder, click the Value field associated with each Key field, and modify the entry as follows:

  • Source – Must contain a repository link to the Honeywell Services APK file using the <link>/<file> format. For example: <link>/AirWatchRuggedService-release-
  • Action – Must contain the InstallApk action command
  • Launch – Must contain an Android intent command using the unique Android bundle ID of the Honeywell Services APK file. For example: am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.airwatch.admin.rugged/.RuggedActivity -e hideui true

For Example:

5.    In the third Task folder, click the Value field associated with each Key field, and modify the entry as follows:

  • Source – Must contain a repository link to the VMware AirWatch Agent APK file using the <link>/<file> format. For example: <link>/AirWatchAgent-playstore-release-
  • Action – Must contain the InstallApk action command
  • Launch – Must contain an Android intent command using the unique Android bundle ID of the VMware AirWatch Agent APK file. For example: am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.airwatch.androidagent/com.airwatch.agent.ui.activity.SplashActivity -e hideui true

For Example:

6.    In the fourth Task folder, click the Value field associated with each Key field, and modify the entry zas follows:

  • Source – Must contain a repository link to the VMware AirWatch Agent APK file using the <link>/<file> format. For example: <link>/AirWatchAgent-playstore-release-
  • Action – Must contain the Run action command
  • Launch – Must contain an Android intent command using the unique Android bundle ID of the VMware AirWatch Agent APK file. For example: am broadcast -a com.airwatch.agent.action.IMPORT_CREDENTIAL_XML -e file /sdcard/credentials.bin –user 0

For Example:

7.    In the fifth Task folder, click the Value field associated with each Key field, and modify the entry as follows:

  • Source – Must contain a repository link to the VMware AirWatch Agent APK file using the <link>/<file> format. For example: <link>/AirWatchAgent-playstore-release-
  • Action – Must contain the Run action command
  • Launch – Must contain an Android intent command using the unique Android bundle ID of the VMware AirWatch Agent APK file. For example: am broadcast -a com.airwatch.agent.action.AUTO_ENROLL –user 0

For Example:

8.    From the EZConfig Editor main menu, select File > Save, and give the file a name.

9.    In the EZConfig Editor, generate a bar code for scanning by selecting File > Create EZConfig Bar Code.

10.  On the Honeywell CT50, click the Power Tools icon, and click the EZConfig icon and scan the bar code.
