Employee Experience

Take a Closer Look at Horizon Air Hybrid-Mode: Redefining Digital Workspace Delivery

Last month, we announced Horizon Air Hybrid-Mode, a brand new cloud service from VMwarwebinar register reminder buttone that combines the best of cloud and hyper-converged infrastructure in a single offering for delivering virtual desktops and apps. This new service is a new approach to desktop and application virtualization that promises to have customers up and running faster and more cost-effective than ever before.

By leveraging a cloud control plane and hyper-converged infrastructure, Horizon Air Hybrid-Mode promises to deliver many of the benefits organizations desired for years, including:

  • Simple out-of-the-box setup to get up and running quickly.
  • Create and scale virtual desktops at cloud speed.
  • Easily and quickly deliver and update applications.
  • Right-sized infrastructure that helps avoid over-provisioning of resources.

To help you learn more about this new offering, I invite you to join my upcoming webcast, where we’ll drill down into the details of the new service.

Redefining Workspace Delivery with the New VMware Horizon Air Hybrid-mode
March 22, 2016
11 a.m. PST / 2 p.m. EST
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vmware horizon air hybrid mode on premises