VMware Horizon

VMware Horizon Integration – How the Pieces Fit Together, Part 1

By Anthony Rizzo, Staff End-User-Computing Technologist, VMware

Introduction – VMware Horizon as a Digital Workspace Tooling System

Although VMware Horizon quickly opens new possibilities for providing end users a digital workspace, many do not consider the true potential of VMware Horizon 6.2, VMware Horizon Air Desktops, and VMware Horizon Air Apps. In this four-part series, my goal will be to expose you to the full potential of this digital workspace tooling system.

A main difference between Horizon 6.2 and Horizon Air Desktops and Horizon Air Apps is the on-premises deployment model and cloud-based service model, respectively. This blog series does not differentiate between these two models. Instead, the blog series highlights that both offerings (together or separately) are well suited to serve as a flexible and adaptable digital workspace tooling system.

I use the term “tooling system” in reference to Horizon 6.2, VMware Horizon Air Desktops, and Horizon Air Apps because these products are similar to well-designed, flexible machinery used in a smooth-running manufacturing operation. AirWatch by VMware enterprise mobility management is a great part of the equation as well. While AirWatch by VMware may be mentioned in some of the references given in this blog series, it will not be the core focus.

Consider the manufacturer that employs very adaptable and interoperable machinery. They can tool or re-tool the production floor inexpensively, quickly, and reliably, yielding desired improvements to the product better and faster than the competition. This is the flexibility that Horizon 6. 2, Horizon Air Desktops, and Horizon Air Apps provide for businesses that need to be competitive with their products and services.

Here is a simple example:

  1. Initial tooling:
    In an insurance agency, IT engineers tool their digital workspace to publish packaged applications directly to insurance agents’ desktops.
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  2. Business change occurs:
    To be more competitive, leadership decides that agents should visit customers at their homes. They must now operate remotely.
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  3. Re-tooling:
    By moving the application packages into a remote application services pool, IT easily adapts the digital workspace so that the application is remotely accessible by the insurance agents. The application now executes in the data center, keeping it secure and compliant with industry regulations.
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  4. No user impact:
    Agents connect to the insurance application via the unified workspace portal. After login, insurance agents have the newly re-tooled versions of the applications just by clicking the same application icon they did before in the interface.
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This four-part blog series examines how the interoperable nature of Horizon unleashes the full potential of this very powerful digital workspace tooling system.

  • Part 2 discusses three important architectural concepts for a digital workspace tooling system.
  • Part 3 addresses methodologies for effectively mapping business requirements with Horizon functionality.
  • Part 4 discusses key interoperability points between SDDC, Horizon 6. 2, Horizon Air Desktops, Horizon Air Apps, and other complementary products.