Employee Experience

Case Study: Socialcast gives students, professors, and professionals the right tools for solving real-world design challenges

Washington State University (WSU) is a nationally recognized research university providing world-class education to more than 26,000 undergraduate, graduate, and professional students enrolled in ten different colleges.

As part of their Senior Design Curriculum, students from WSU’s School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science needed a simple and intuitive platform to support collaboration between students, faculty, mentors, and sponsors. The tool also needed to be safe enough to ensure the privacy of sensitive intellectual property provided by the sponsoring companies.

After selecting Socialcast by VMware, participation grew rapidly as students discovered it was a very efficient platform and replaced meetings with a real-time activity stream of sharing documents, posting comments, adding suggestions, and sharing ideas. It also gave professors the ability to bring teams together and visibility in observing all facets of student performance.

Today, Socialcast enables WSU engineering students to do the following:

  1. Collaborate outside of traditional meetings
  2. Keep project-related information and conversations in one easily accessible common workspace
  3. Spend more time focusing on real solutions to real problems, and less on busy work

With Socialcast, WSU student engineering teams are able to collaborate at deeper levels and produce more thoughtful solutions for companies and institutions through the Northwest.

Continue reading the full case study on Washington State University and their deployment of Socialcast to dramatically improve team productivity. Learn more about Socialcast here.