Employee Experience

From the Data Center, With Linux: NVIDIA GRID Virtualizes High-End Linux Workstation Experience

Guest Blog by Will Wade, Director of GRID Product Management, NVIDIA

If your business relies on Linux to run advanced applications, your life just got easier — thanks to VMware and NVIDIA.

NVIDIA GRID technology powers the high-performance 3D graphics of VMware’s recently released Horizon 6 for Linux. This means you can offer a high-end Linux workstation experience, hosted right in your data center, to colleagues using any connected device.


Many kinds of businesses can benefit.

Take studios creating visual effects for movies. Most of the work is done using applications that only run on Linux.

The typical VFX studio’s workflow involves in-house artists and freelancers using Linux applications like Autodesk Maya, The Foundry NUKE and Mari, and Side Effects Houdini. Some tasks require also Windows applications, such as Adobe Photoshop or Autodesk 3ds Max.

With access to virtual machines that support Linux and Windows, any user in a studio can run all their applications from the same device. With NVIDIA GRID acceleration in VMware’s Horizon 6, users get the same performance as a desktop system. There’s no need to put two separate computers under their desk.

Or consider companies developing oil and gas resources. Teams often work from remote locations on models composed of massive amounts of data. Petroleum geoscientists often interpret subsurface data in 3D using Linux applications from software providers like Landmark and Paradigm.



With a GRID virtual machine in the data center, scientists can keep compute resources close to their large datasets. This boosts productivity because they no longer need to move these datasets to a local workstation. That’s especially helpful when you’re dealing with limited bandwidth on, say, an oil platform in the North Sea.

Government agencies, too, rely on open source, Linux-based geographic information systems. With GRID-accelerated Linux virtual machines, agencies can centralize the management of these sensitive datasets. No need to worry about compromising confidential data if a thief grabs a laptop or tablet.

Virtualizing Linux workstations in the data center brings many advantages.

They improve employee collaboration when working with large datasets from remote locations. Enterprises don’t have to buy and maintain as many workstations. And because the data stays in the data center, security gets a boost.

Businesses can also step up productivity thanks to NVIDIA GRID’s hearty performance — employees can work faster and more efficiently.

Learn more about VMware Horizon 6 for Linux with NVIDIA GRID.