Employee Experience

Introducing Horizon FLEX (Part 1 of 3)

Hi, I’m Andy from VMware.

Today I’d like to show you something exciting from VMware that may not have made it on to your radar – remotely managed policies for Mac and Windows users!

Back in December we launched a new product called Horizon FLEX. The concept behind FLEX is simple. Player Pro and Fusion are fantastic for you on your PC or Mac, but can be a bit troublesome for the person responsible for rolling out 500 copies of them to everyone in sales, or worse, to your senior exec team.

Horizon FLEX matches AD credentials against your library of managed virtual images, makes them available to valid users, and then enforces best practice use policies. It’s incredibly simple for your users to use, and gives you peace of mind that your containerized desktops are secure, licensed, and only being used by the right people.

Here’s a two minute video of me sweating under the studio lights that should give you a flavor for what Horizon FLEX can do for you.


Great — that’s the marketing fluff out of the way — but I know as seasoned Player Pro/Fusion Pro users, you’re more interested in how different this is from the process you already have in place. So here’s another two minute video that demonstrates the various steps.


One of things I don’t make clear in the video is ‘why are there two passwords?’ This is our cunning plan to give you extra flexibility. You see, the first password is used to encrypt the virtual machine image and needs to be given to the user in order for them to access the image. The second password is an IT-only security switch. Using this, you can remote into your users’ computer and change the VM settings that are normally out of their reach. It gives you the ability to fine tune the performance of a VM without having to open all the dangerous controls to users who probably won’t know the right way to use them.

Next time I’ll show you how to define that policy I mentioned.

Thanks for reading and if you’d like to know more, or to download a free trial of Horizon FLEX, please click here.