VMware Horizon

Delivering Mobile Secure Desktops and Business Process Desktops: Cisco VXI with VMware View

Guest Post by Tony Paikeday, Senior Solutions Marketing Manager, Desktop Virtualization, Cisco

Are you reading this on your tablet, smartphone, or laptop?  There’s a very good chance you’re consuming content just like this on something other than a traditional PC, and an excellent chance you’re somewhere other than your cubicle at the office.   If you nodded in response to my little preamble, then you’re a direct reflection of the evolving mobile workplace – one in which workers are no longer tethered to a place or a device, but rather consume and create content when/where they want, on the device they choose, in a secure manner.  Enter, the Mobile Secure Desktop.  I blogged about it recently here.

This evolving workplace is also embracing the rapidly growing practice of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) – the remoting or offshoring of important business functions, leveraging a geographically dispersed talent pool, handling critical functions like customer support services, payroll, tech support, and product development.  These environments depend on an extensive WAN infrastructure and uncompromised collaboration and communications, delivered securely through the Business Process Desktop.

During VMworld 2012, Cisco and VMware teamed up to make these use cases a reality for implementers of desktop virtualization.  Built on the Cisco Virtualization Experience Infrastructure (VXI), Business Process Desktops and Mobile Secure Desktops with VMware View, offer a pervasive security architecture, fully integrated and uncompromised communications and collaboration apps, underpinning by a highly scalable compute infrastructure that offers linearly scalable performance as workers are added.

Both of these scenarios (Mobile Secure Desktops and Business Process Desktop) reflect the new “borderless” office, that’s no longer defined by brick and mortar or large, centralized campus infrastructure.  These scenarios describe a new business environment that brings “the work” (and apps needed to get it done), to the people who know how do it, irrespective of where they are, and what means of client computing they’re using.

Want to learn more about Cisco VXI with VMware View?  Check out: