VMware Horizon

Vote Early and Vote for As Many VMworld Sessions As You Want

By Tina de Benedictis, Technical Marketing Manager, Enterprise Desktop, End-User Computing, VMware

If you have not yet cast your vote for VMworld 2012 sessions, delay no longer! The deadline for voting is Friday the 8th of June. Take a few minutes to look over the submitted sessions and vote for your favorites.

If you want more End User Computing sessions at VMworld, find those sessions and vote for them.


To vote, go to:

VMworld 2012: Call for Papers Voting

If you have an existing VMworld account, log in.

If you do not yet have a VMworld account, create one.

The Session Voting Catalog appears:


You do not have to read through every proposed paper. Instead, select Filter Options to find End User Computing sessions.


At first, you might get no results when you use Filter Options:


Why? You need to choose both a Track and a Subtrack to get some results. Click the browser back-arrow button to revise your Filter Options.

For Tracks, select End-User Computing.

For Subtracks, select from among the three choices for End-User Computing:

  • Application, Mobile and Data Management
  • Desktop Virtualization
  • Social Applications and Collaboration

To see all End-User Computing sessions, select a Subtrack, view its results, then select each other Subtrack in the same way.


In the Keywords field, you can further refine your search with:

  • A product name, such as View or ThinApp
  • A speaker’s name
  • A session ID if you know the number
  • A session title
  • A topic you would like to learn about (performance, USB, troubleshoot, and so on)

When you get results from your Filter Options, click the thumbs-up icon to vote for a session. To change your mind and take back your vote, click again on the thumbs-up icon.


Vote early and vote for as many VMworld sessions as you want!