VMware Horizon

3 Reasons on Why You Should Attend the End-User Computing Virtual Conference – from Vittorio (@vmwjourney)

Interview with Vittorio Viarengo, VP, End-User Computing

Q: Just to start off, tell me a little bit about what exciting things you and you’re team are doing lately. 

Vittorio: Where do I start? We’re always doing something exciting! The engineering team continuously amazes me with their new projects they’re working on. Our marketing team, along with myself, have been traveling and showing off View 5 on their personal laptops. And guess what? People couldn’t even tell the demos were run off a virtual desktop! Most recently, we’re all preparing for our End-User Computing Virtual Conference.

Q: Can you tell me a more about this End-User Computing Virtual Conference?

Vittorio: It’s an interactive online conference where we talk about different EUC solutions that will help our customers on their journey to the post-PC era. I’ll be delivering the keynote myself. Other members from the management team will also highlight the products they’re working on, such as View, Horizon Application Manager, Project Octopus, Zimbra and Socialcast.

Q: Why should people attend the conference?

Vittorio: You mean other than a chance to listen to me? Just kidding. [You’re not going to put that in are you?] 

Q: Yes I am and I’m sure you’ll be stunning.  But other than hearing your keynote, what are next top 3 reasons to attend the End-User Computing Virtual Conference?

Vittorio: Well, this is a great experience to hear the different technological advancements for each product.  You’ll be one of the first to see what we’ve been working on. That’s one. Two, you have the opportunity to ask questions directly to everyone on my team. How’s that for customer service! And three, you can network with each other. Join a chat, start one of your own, just have fun with it. 

Q: Is there a cost to attend the conference?

Vittorio: No, it’s free. You just need to register. 

 Q: I’ll add it in. Anything else you want to add?

 Vittorio: Yes, follow me on twitter. @vmwjourney.

  End-User Computing Virtual Conference

May 3rd, Thursday    
8:30am – 1:30pm PST / 11:30am – 4:30pm EST

Register and Learn More