VMware Horizon

VMware View 5 Resource Optimization

By Lawrence Spracklen, VMware

In last week’s post, we discussed 4 simple settings that we have observed deliver significant resource savings, while preserving user experience for typical desktop users. While we discussed the benefits of each setting in isolation, I just wanted to illustrate the overall gains. For runs using View Planner (which simulates a typical office user, with MS Office apps, browsers, Adobe reader, video playback, photo albums etc – more details can be found here), we observe a significant reduction in bandwidth when these 4 resource control settings are applied in unison:


From the above plot it is apparent that the bandwidth reductions resulting from i) disabling build-to-loss, ii) setting the maximum frame rate to 15, iii) setting maximum audio bandwidth to 100, and iv ) performing simple in-guest operations (such as selecting “optimize for visual performance”  and disabling ClearType) are mainly additive, and the cumulative benefit is pretty substantial – around a 1.8X reduction from the default! [Particularly compelling, given that for typical office users there is very little difference in user experience]