Employee Experience

VMware Zimbra Allows MxToolbox to Offer Robust, Flexible Messaging Management Solution

When MxToolbox, Inc. was founded in 2003, its primary focus was email security: helping small and medium-sized businesses fend off viruses and stem the growing flood of spam.

But as the needs of its customers changed, MxToolbox evolved as well. “Starting around 2006, we saw a drop-off in businesses looking for email filtering,” says Steve Harper, CEO, MxToolbox. “But it isn’t that companies no longer need filtering tools. It’s that they are getting rid of their email servers entirely.”

The trend toward IT as a service has begun. Organizations are increasingly outsourcing their email infrastructure—gaining the advantages of instant elasticity, pay-for-use, simplicity, agility, user-centricity, efficiency and simplified management. MxToolbox recognized a business opportunity too promising to miss. It decided to implement VMware Zimbra® to deliver hosted messaging services.

Straightforward to Implement
Today, MxToolbox provides messaging management services—including email hosting, archiving, spam filtering and emergency email—to nearly 1,500 customers, representing 50,000 end users.

Continue reading the full case study on MxToolbox and their deployment of VMware Zimbra to offer a more robust, flexible message management solution. Learn more about VMware Zimbra here.