Employee Experience

View Client for iPad is Here

View Client for iPad home screen

2011 is shaping up to be an exciting year for VMware View.  About 2 weeks back we came out with the 4.6 release which delivered PCoIP support in our Security Server.  We’re getting some great feedback from that release and we’re seeing this open the door to new use cases for remote users.

Today we keep the excitement coming with the launch of the View Client for iPad.  This release is one small step for VMware and one giant leap for personal devices in the enterprise.  Now all of us iPad aficionados can use our iPads to access our desktops and get an awesome user experience without giving IT a heart attack about security.  It’s the best of both worlds.

Our focus with this release is really around simplicity and we set out to make sure that the user experience from the iPad is seamless.  This means that access is a snap and interaction with the desktop is easy and efficient.

The iPad client is fully supported over WiFi or 3G connections and with PCoIP at the core you’ll be sure to get a great user experience.  Tight integration with View 4.6 means that logging into your View desktop from the iPad is easy and reconnection to the desktop is also simple with the ability to select from a list of previously connected desktops.

iPad users will feel right at home interacting with their View desktop using the gestures we’ve implemented making it easy to do things like click, select, drag and invoke the soft keyboard.  We’ve also included support for Bluetooth or dock connected keyboards for those prefer to type on a physical keyboard.  In addition to keyboards we’ve also added support for the iPad VGA connector which will let you connect your View desktop to an external monitor or projector.  If you wanted to, you could realistically go iPad full time!

This release is just the start of our support for the iPad and you’ll be seeing a lot more from us in the months to come as we continue to make improvements and add capabilities.

To quote our Product Manager, Tedd Fox (@teddfox), we hope you think this client is as #awesome as we do.  It’s available as a free download today from the Apple App Store so download your copy and connect to your View desktop.  We look forward to your thoughts and feedback in the comments below and be sure to follow @vmwareview on Twitter to keep up on all of the latest product news.

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