Employee Experience

View and ThinApp Integration Guide

Many of you who design, administer, and implement VMware View environments have probably encountered the discussion of how to integrate ThinApp into View desktops.  So FYI there is a series of posts on the ThinApp Blog which discuss a strategy for integration. The ThinApp Blog has a series of posts, Integrating ThinApp Packages with View Part 1Integrating ThinApp Packages with View Part 2View and ThinApp Integration Guide – Part 3 or you can download the end product of that series . . . the VMware View and ThinApp Integration Guide.  The guide discusses several of the topics covered in the previous posts but brings it all together with some task based scenarios that walk you through initial setup and configuration with screenshots and sample scripts. 

So if you are looking for answers to these questions, this guide is for you.

  1. How does ThinApp fit in with View Persistent and Non-Persistent Pools?
  2. Should I stream all my ThinApp packages from a fileshare or deploy them into the VMs?  
  3. How do I use ThinApp and View Composer together? 
  4. Where you I put my ThinApp packages? On the C:, the User Data Disk, a fileshare?
  5. How do I manage updates after the packages are in use?
  6. Will users keep their unique settings like toolbar buttons when running ThinApps from different desktops?
  7. How do I manage shortcuts and FileTypeAssociations for multi-user VMs?

There are additional documents for design and information on specific topics at these locations as well.  VMware ThinApp Reference Architecture , Streaming Information Guide, or Deployment Guide

Feel free to comment for all to see or communicate directly to [email protected] or aaronblack_vmw on Twitter