Employee Experience

Novell and View

Running Novell eDirectory with view is problematic and not supported. However here is how you do it if you feel so inclined. I would like to thank a very good customer of mine, Carl Hooker for helping me solve this riddle in his environment.

There are many customers that currently use Novell’s eDirectory to access their shared drives or other useful features. Unfortunately,  VMWare View Manager only works with Active Directory.  However, with a couple of quick settings, and a mirroring of credentials in Identity Manager, you can log into the Virtual desktop with a single sign-in.  Here are the steps on the actual Agent VM:

Install NW client(currently 4.91 SP5)
– Select Custom installation, click NEXT
– “Novell Distributed Print Services" should be UNCHECKED, click NEXT
– NMAS and NICI should be the only things CHECKED, Net Identity Agent should be UNCHECKED
– On next page, The only things that should be selected are:
– "REMOVE IPX if present" should be CHECKED and put a dot next to "IP ONLY"… then click NEXT
– On next page, "NDS" should have a dot next to it, click NEXT
– Click FINISH


Install VMWare Agent with the Typical Install (options to turn off Virtual Printing on install)
– Then open up the registry editor
– Go to Run –> Regedit
HKEY_Local_Machine\Software\Novell\Login and create the following String Values:

That’s it!   Now, assuming you have the eDirectory users mirrored in the AD, their credentials will work for either or and you’ll be able to log into the VDI.

Note:  Don’t forget to manage the remote users group on the VM to include the group or groups you have mirrored in AD, otherwise you will be blocked when trying to access the VM remotely.

So there you go. One thing to keep in mind, if this does not work please don't bother to call VMware tech support on this. They will probably politely hang up on you. Instead post here and we will work on it together and see if we can get it resolved.