Employee Experience

GINA chaining with View

There are several reasons why you might need several GINA's using View. Problem is it's not well documented on how to actually chain them together and make it work. So here is a quick post on how to do that.

Verify the View GINA is the Winlogon GINA.

"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Agent\bin\wsgina.dll"

Note* You will need to create the VdmGinaChainDll string value as it does not exist. Under the following regkey create vdmGinaChainDLL and place the secondary GINA dll name in it.


Sometimes the chaining GINA will still call the MSGINA afterwards. Here is an example.

HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Novell or Sentillion or whatever\I put my GINA here key\SomethinglikeLoadGinaDLL = msgina

Now you may ignore the no longer used key: HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\WSGINA

There you go, you are now GINA chaining, enjoy. Thank you to Andrew and his customer for the heavy lifting on this one!