Employee Experience

View Manager 3 – Software Components

Let’s start with something easy and breakdown exactly what View Manager 3 is comprised of. Feel free to download the 60 day evaluation from http://www.vmware.com/download/view/.

  • VMware-viewagent-3.0.0-xxxxxx.exe: This is the View Manager Agent installer for Windows XP or Vista virtual desktops. This agent also serves two other purposes as well, it can be installed on a physical PC to allow for remote connectivity and also on terminal servers which will allow the pool creation and load balancing of your terminal server farm.

  • VMware-viewclient-3.0.0-xxxxxx.exe:  This is the 32-bit View Manager Client installer for any end point device running on Windows XP or Vista. This is how the end user will connect to their virtual desktop.

  • VMware-viewclientwithoffline-3.0.0-xxxxxx.exe: This is the extended View Manager Client installer that includes the software needed to test our experimental offline VDI feature.  This will only be needed if testing offline VDI.

  • VMware-viewconnectionserver-3.0.0-xxxxxx.exe: This is the connection broker which will handle brokering the desktop sessions. This installer also houses the replica and security server installation options for scalability and DMZ deployments.

  • VMware-viewcomposer-1.0.0-xxxxxx.exe: This is the storage optimization component which enabled the use of linked clones. This must be installed on the VirtualCenter server.