Certification Career Development Learning

Backed by Research: Certification Results in Promotions, Raises, and Increased Abilities

If you’ve ever considered becoming VMware certified, you’ve probably already guessed that there are a host of benefits that come with certification. What you may not know is that hard research backs these hunches up. After querying nearly 10,000 credential-holding professionals, Pearson VUE’s 2018 Value of Certification survey found conclusively that earning an industry-recognized certification resulted in both tangible and practical benefits.


Of those surveyed:

  • 34% saw a salary increase (and 24% of those saw a jump of a twenty percent salary increase or better)
  • 26% got a job promotion
  • 25% saw higher marks on their performance reviews
  • 19% got a new job altogether
  • 16% were able to get into a new chosen field



These perks not only happened; they happened quickly. Of the reported wins, 65% of respondents saw the first benefit within four months.



It isn’t all about promotions and raises, though. Professionals reported on-the-job benefits as well. Respondents found that:

  • their knowledge was transferrable to real work situations (55%)
  • they provided higher quality output and/or more effective solutions (44%)
  • they experienced increased personal productivity and task efficiency (44%)
  • they were able to more easily troubleshoot problems (40%)
  • they were less dependent on others (36%)


The vast majority of respondents also noted that the benefits obtained through certification exceed what they would’ve seen if they’d gone through training without certification.



The overarching message is clear: certification empowers candidates, opens new doors, and creates greater professional opportunities.



There are countless reasons why you should start (or continue) your path to certification, recognition, and overall satisfaction today. Find out which path is right for you and how to get there quickly.