VMware Cloud Provider

Feature Friday Episode 77 – DevOps Service Opportunity

Welcome to another Feature Fridays session in our Tanzu mini series!

Many providers who are delivering containers and K8s clusters as a service will be looking for that next service, where the developer now becomes their buyer. 

DevOps services cover a lot of differing areas; from the developers’ actual machine where developers build, collaborate and test locally, to code repositories, continuous integration, testing, triggering builds and storing updates in a container registry.  If developers are deploying using a continuous delivery and deployment mechanism further deployment into test, testing, UAT, and push to production automation and tooling is needed. Finally continuous monitoring of the full stack including the micro services deployed and executing is also required.

There is a lot of value a provider can either chose to delivery with tooling and automation into these differing functional areas, or to utilize themselves in a managed service with partners to deliver for the customer, depending on your specialization.

Utilizing Tanzu Basic with TKG provides a K8s baseline, Tanzu Standard builds in Mission Control and multi cloud and Tanzu Advanced extends these services with the Tanzu Application Catalog and Tanzu Data and Build Service.

DevOps Service Opportunity

As the diagram above shows, together, Cloud Providers have a significant opportunity to deliver DevOps tooling and platforms for developers to securely build, run and manage applications on your cloud or any other cloud depending on requirements.

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Please join Gerrit, Joerg, Stefan and myself as we get together and discuss what the opportunity is for Cloud Providers and how Tanzu can deliver a feature rich DevOps tooling and orchestration layer, essential for modern applications.