VMware Cloud Provider

Feature Friday Episode 103 – CSE.Next Beta

Welcome to this week’s Feature Friday. It’s all about containers and the evolution of the Container Service Extension (CSE).Next.

What is .Next? We are using this term to describe CSE 4.0 to be launched in the second half 2022. It’s coming with some very cool new features that will make the deployment and management of CSE really simple.

In the past, we have run a number of Feature Fridays looking at CSE deployment and functionality, and it’s not been that simple to deploy, requiring a lot of secondary configuration to get up and running. Now in .Next deployment is as simple as creating a vApp from an OVF file and using this to deploy CSE, all in the UI. Also, the provider admin can also host the Container service extension in the solution org, create and share Catalog and upload Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Kubernetes OVAs.

Enhancing the deployment we will be allowing tenants to create Kubernetes clusters with multiple control plane VM all via the UI as well. Additionally, all CSE deployments will now use the CAPVCD Entity Type. Lastly, we are also introducing the new concept of a node pool to manage the lifecycle of the Kubernetes Cluster; resize, upgrade and delete.

Enroll now in the CSE.next beta to qualify for the beta release and experience faster, more secure K8s cluster operation and a single pane of glass interface. CSE.next beta is delivering enhanced features for partners to test before the official release. Email us to register for the beta or get in touch via our channel to know more.

Watch the Feature Friday now to find out more.

Find out more: https://communities.vmware.com/t5/VMware-Cloud-Director-Container/ct-p/5376