The Container Service Extension(CSE) provides Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, Opensource Kubernetes as a Service on VMware Cloud Director with Multi-tenancy at its core. The CSE continues to improve Kubernetes as a Service for cloud providers. CSE announced release 3.1.3 with new features. The release focuses on improved user experience for tenants by introducing a default storage class, Tanzu Core packages on the Tanzu Kubernetes clusters, and a New supported TKG release. For Cloud providers, the release features focus on expanding Python library support for CSE Server and ‘vcd-cli’, and more customizations in the cse server config.yaml files. Let’s take a closer look at each feature in the sections below.
Default Storage Class
Until CSE 3.1.2 release, the Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster author would create a default storage class on the Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster before leveraging Persistent Volumes for the Applications. Starting with CSE 3.1.3, the Kubernetes Cluster author can optionally generate a default Storage class while creating a TKG cluster and install Applications with the default storage class. This feature automates steps for the user to manage the TKG cluster for their developers in the customer organization. Figure 1 showcases new options to declare TKG Clusters on the VMware Cloud Director Tenant portal.

Tanzu Core Packages on Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
Until the CSE 3.1.2 release, users have to install kapp-controller and metrics server packages as an additional step on the Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster to install the Tanzu Packages. Starting the CSE 3.1.3 release, the tanzu core packages are pre-installed on the Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters. This ability provides the users reduced steps to get ready-to-use Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters by developers. Figure 2 below shows pods and namespaces on the CSE 3.1.3 Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster.

Updated Python Library Support for CSE Server
CSE Server install is improved to support additional versions. Now CSE server supports installation with python library versions 3.7.3+, 3.8.x, 3.9.x, and 3.10.x.The below table showcases the updated support metrics for the Python library to run CSE Server. Please note that the CSE server can be installed on any OS as long as python library versions are satisfied.
Supported Python Library-Version | Operating System |
3.7.5 | Photon OS 3 |
3.10.2 | Photon OS 4 |
3.7.3+, 3.8.x, 3.9.x or 3.10.x. | Ubuntu, mac-os, windows, RHEL, windows |
Supports Tanzu Kubernetes Grid 1.5.1
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Version | Provided Kubernetes Versions |
1.5.1,1.5.2 | 1.22.5, 1.21.8, 1.20.14 |
1.4.0 | 1.21.2, 1.20.8, 1.19.12 |
1.3.1 | 1.20.5, 1.19.9, 1.18.17 |
1.3.0 | 1.20.4, 1.19.8, 1.18.16, 1.17.16 |
New Customizations in config.yaml
CSE Server ‘config.yaml’ file includes new customizations for Cloud Storage Interface(CSI), Cloud-Provider Interface(CPI), and Antrea(Cloud Network Interface-CNI) plugins. On the Customer organizations end, users can choose to override the default settings by providing these values in the yaml configuration. The optional extra option provides flexibility to service providers to select the latest Plugins without upgrading the CSE Server.
For Cloud Providers: Sample optional parameters in CSE config.yaml and update the versions
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##Gracefully stop CSE Service vi config.yaml # [Optional] Extra options section #extra_options: # tkgm_http_proxy: [http proxy url with port] # tkgm_https_proxy: [https proxy url with port] # tkgm_no_proxy: [comma separated list of IP addresses] # cpi_version: "1.1.1" # csi_version: "1.2.0" # antrea_version: "0.11.3" ##Modify the values to new supported versions you'd like provision next Tanzu Kubernetes Clusters #Example extra options <meta charset="utf-8"># Optional Extra options section #extra_options: # tkgm_http_proxy: [http proxy url with port] # tkgm_https_proxy: [https proxy url with port] # tkgm_no_proxy: [comma separated list of IP addresses] # cpi_version: "Next_Version" # csi_version: "Next_Version" # antrea_version: "Next_Version" #Restart CSE Service |
For Customer/Kubernetes Cluster users: Sample cluster.yaml to create Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster
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##Generate a Sample cluster.yaml file to create a TKG Cluster using vcd-cli: ##To Override the default versions by service provider, update CSI, CPI, CNI versions ##To disable default Storage class, set the <meta charset="utf-8">defaultK8sStorageClass to null ##vcd cse cluster apply -s --tkg apiVersion: kind: TKGm metadata: name: cluster_name orgName: organization_name site: VCD_site virtualDataCenterName: org_virtual_data_center_name spec: distribution: templateName: ubuntu-16.04_k8-1.17_weave-2.6.0 templateRevision: 2 settings: cni: name: antrea version: null cpi: name: cloud-provider-for-cloud-director version: null csi: - default: cloud-director-named-disk-csi-driver defaultK8sStorageClass: filesystem: ext4 k8sStorageClassName: my-storage-class useDeleteReclaimPolicy: true vcdStorageProfileName: Silver_storage_profile name: null version: null network: expose: true pods: cidr_blocks: - services: cidr_blocks: - ovdcNetwork: ovdc_network_name rollbackOnFailure: true sshKey: null topology: controlPlane: count: 1 cpu: null memory: null sizingClass: Large_sizing_policy_name storageProfile: Gold_storage_profile_name workers: count: 2 cpu: null memory: null sizingClass: Medium_sizing_policy_name storageProfile: Silver_storage_profile |
This summarizes the high-level overview of the new features of Kubernetes as a Service on VMware Cloud Director with Container Service Extension and Tanzu Kubernetes Grid.