Feature Friday

Feature Friday Episode 82 – Multi Cloud Maturity Assessment

In this episode I am joined by Gerrit and Satya we explore the new multi cloud maturity assessment web based tool. Customer organizations are complex and not all are ready for a multi cloud world. However much the company may pursue their cloud goals there could be areas in the business that have not aligned for a number of reasons and could hinder cloud adoption.

The new multi-cloud assessment tool is free to use and is a great tool for working with a customer to understand where they are challenges, from an organisation perspective, in their ability to support the multi cloud world today. Using a simple scale and question framework you can identify potential problem areas in the customer that may hinder their cloud strategy, you can then export and work on services that could improve these areas. It’s a great solution to show how a VMware cloud partner you can help them on their cloud journey.

Watch this Feature Friday to understand more about how the calculator works, how to interpret the results and how to demonstrate value before any deployments with potential customers. It is a fantastic sales tool to open up the conversation with potential customers and uncover more managed service opportunities.

Once you have watch the session, you can access the tool here: https://bit.ly/AppMaturityModel