VMware Cloud Provider

The VMware vExpert Cloud Provider Community Wants You!

It’s that time of year again……vExpert season! With the vExpert application process quickly approaching closure (January 28th), that means that other VMware vExpert sub-program applications will soon open. We are excited about what we have in store this year and we want YOU to join us! This will be our third year of the program and we are excited to continue to expand our membership.

What’s a vExpert?

Well, I’m glad you asked. It has nothing to do with how smart you are, although some of the smartest people in the world make up this community. The VMware vExpert program is VMware’s global advocacy program that recognizes individuals for contributing their VMware knowledge and experience back to the global community. 

For many, that may come in the form of blog posts, speaking events, VMUG leadership, and a variety of other ways. Being accepted as part of the VMware vExpert program is one of VMware’s ways of saying “thank you” to these individuals.

VMware Cloud Providers

Our VMware Cloud Providers are critical to VMware. These organizations are at the cutting edge in leading with and investing in VMware solutions that are provided in a consumption model to their end-customers. These cloud providers are focusing in these strategic solution areas:

With over 4,300 providers globally, serving in more than 120 countries, VMware Cloud Providers constitute for over 10 million virtual machines while collaborating with over 160,000 end-customers.  

How do you become a Cloud Provider vExpert?

The Cloud Provider vExpert group is part of a sub-program for VMware vExperts. That means that in order to join the Cloud Provider vExpert group, you must have already been accepted as a VMware vExpert. Once nominations have been announced, we will open the application process for nominations into the Cloud Provider vExpert sub-program. We are looking for individuals that are: 

  • Passionate about VMware Cloud Provider solutions 
  • Work for a VMware Cloud Provider in the VMware Partner Connect Program, Managed Service Provider (MSP) Program, or one of VMware’s ecosystem partners 
  • All about “giving back” to the community by means of shared experiences, collaboration, blog posts, videos, whitepapers, etc. 

Does that sound like you? If so, we welcome you to apply to join us! 

What’s in it for you?

Everyone enjoys perks, right? Well, there are several perks for being a part of the VMware vExpert Program. Some of them include: 

  1. The ability to network with over 2,000 other VMware vExperts and industry professionals 
  1. Exclusive access to private webinars featuring the latest VMware technology and that of VMware partners 
  1. 365-day evaluation licenses for your home lab 
  1. Exclusive gifts from VMware and their various partners 

In addition to what’s included in the VMware vExpert program, as part of the Cloud Provider vExpert sub-program we will have content that is tailored exclusively to what is top of mind for Cloud Providers. 

Get Ready!

As mentioned, the VMware vExpert application process will soon close. 

Apply on the VMware vExpert website before January 28th so that you don’t miss out on your opportunity to be a part of the best IT community program out there! 

When nominations for the Cloud Provider sub-program open, you’ll be able to apply on the VMware vExpert Subprogram page. We look forward to seeing you in the VMware vExpert Cloud Provider community. 

One last thing to note: I’d like to introduce Chestin Hay and Guy Bartram as our new vExpert Cloud Provider leads!

Talk to you all soon.

Chestin, Daniel, Guy