VMware Cloud Provider

3,2,1 – Launch of the VMware Cloud Provider vExpert Program!

Today, we are thrilled to announce the release of the VMware Cloud Provider vExpert subprogram. In this post, we will review the details of this program and what to expect next.

VMware vExpert Cloud Provider Badge


First, what is the VMware vExpert Program?

To start off, there might be a few of you that are wondering what the VMware vExpert program entails. This is VMware’s advocacy program that honors members that make significant contributions to their peers and community. This program has been around for over a decade and quite frankly, has even impacted my personal career trajectory. Directly from the VMware vExpert site:

“The VMware vExpert program is VMware’s global evangelism and advocacy program. The program is designed to put VMware’s marketing resources towards your advocacy efforts. Promotion of your articles, exposure at our global events, co-op advertising, traffic analysis, and early access to beta programs and VMware’s roadmap. The awards are for individuals, not companies…”

The bolded part is the most important. This is the fundamental reason we are launching a program that honors individuals that give back to our global VMware Cloud Provider community.


vExpert Cloud Provider Program

Are you passionate about taking VMware solutions and operationalizing them for cloud platforms?

Do you share and evangelize your findings for the broader community?

Do you have experience with multi-tenant or dedicated tenant VMware solutions (or solutions that empower the VMware Cloud Provider Platform)?

Well, this is the program for you! Individuals that enter this program will be our first class of Cloud Provider vExperts. These people have been selected due to their significant contributions and this is VMware’s opportunity to recognize them. Moreover, this is a partnership: these Cloud Provider vExperts will have the ability to further collaborate with the VMware Cloud Provider Software Business Unit (CPSBU) on future opportunities that will impact our global community.


About our VMware Cloud Providers

Let’s step back – who are our VMware Cloud Providers? Globally, we have over 4,200+ VMware Cloud Providers that represent over 160,000+ end-customers –

VMware Cloud Provider Ecosystem Map

While you might not be aware of the breadth and expertise of your local VMware Cloud Provider, the VMware Cloud Provider Software Business Unit (CPSBU) brings VMware solutions to market that empowers VMware Cloud Providers with the following:


vExpert Cloud Provider Candidates and Goals

To apply, you must be a current vExpert as well as someone that is currently evangelizing VMware Cloud Provider solutions for customers, partners, and the global community. Some questions you might want to ask yourself upon applying:

  1. Do you work for a Managed Service Provider (MSP) or VMware Cloud Provider that participates in the VMware Partner Connect Program (previously known as VCPP)?
  2. Do you contribute any collateral (blog post, whitepapers, videos, etc.) on a VMware solution for end-user/tenant consumption?
  3. Have you spoken at a VMUG, VMworld, EMPOWER, or any service provider industry event on provider-related solutions?
  4. Can you demonstrate how you’ve taken a VMware solution and operationalized it for cloud service consumption? While one can cover any VMware solution for Cloud Provider consumption, are you an expert in the following:
    1. VMware Cloud Director and Cloud Director Service
    2. VMware vCloud Availability
    3. Cloud Provider Hub
    4. Usage Meter / Usage Insight
    5. vRealize Operations Tenant App
  5. Do you work for an ecosystem partner that collaborates with VMware Cloud Providers and enables the VMware Cloud Provider Platform?

While the above list is just a sample of an example candidate and not necessarily comprehensive – we are looking for people that are burning new paths and love giving back to our global community.

So what’s in it for you? Well, here’s what we have planned:

  1. Amplification of the collateral you publish within the global community
  2. Access to a dedicated VMware Cloud Provider Slack channel
  3. Special previews and discussions on upcoming VMware releases that pertain to VMware Cloud Providers
  4. Oh, and this cool badge, future swag, and all of the other vExpert benefits


What’s Next?

Finally, this program is launching a bit staggered from the other subprograms, so our timelines are slightly pushed out. Below are key dates to follow and applications are open on the VMware vExpert subprogram page (must be logged in as a current vExpert to apply)

  • Applications are open from March 17th to March 30rd. Sorry, no late applications will be accepted.
  • Voting by the VMware Cloud Provider team will be from March 30rd to April 13th.
  • Results will be announced (emailed) on April 13th to the email address in your vExpert profile.

In closing, we are elated to start this new path with our VMware Cloud Provider vExperts. We look forward to hearing from all of you and your continued contributions to the community.