Feature Friday

Feature Fridays Episode 62 – Container Service Extension 3.1

For this session, I’m joined again with  Sachi Bhatt (Technical Product Manager) to discuss theContainer Service Extension 3.1 and the new capabilities that it brings Cloud Providers’ native Kubernetes services and Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG-S).  

Click to watch

Container Service Extension 3.1 brings a few cool new enhancements and was released in conjunction with VMware Cloud Director 10.3. As such it may have got a little lost in the big VMware Cloud Director release, so we wanted to shine some light on this gem!

There are many enhancements for Container Service Extension (CSE) 3.1 including;

  • CSE 3.1 need not be started with a particular VCD API version. It is now capable of accepting incoming requests at any supported VCD API version.
  • A new version of the template recipe cookbook 2.0.0 is introduced. Each template has a new descriptor that lets CSE 3.1 determine the templates it can support.
  • CSE CLI offers new capabilities to upgrade and share clusters. with Org VDCs
  • Kubernetes Clusters UI Plugin offers a new capability to upgrade clusters. It also enables one to view clusters that are deployed across multisite VCD instances.
  • Newer versions of native Kubernetes templates are available.
  • CSE 3.1 drops the support with VCD 10.0 and TKG-M (although TKG-M will be coming back asap)

Specific details can be found on https://vmware.github.io/container-service-extension/cse3_1/CSE31.html, but watch this Feature Friday with Sachi and myself to get a walkthrough of some of these details.