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CloudSpot Episode 18 – Dell Technologies Cloud Platform with Cloud Director

Cloud Spot Podcast


This week, I’m joined by Douglas Lieberman, Director of Global Alliances at Dell EMC. In this episode we cover the new Dell Technologies Cloud Platform (DTCP) with VMware Cloud Director and how Cloud Providers and Service Integrators and Operators can make use of this solution.


The new offering we are discussing is a Validated Design for CSPs to provideMulti-Tenant Infrastructure As A Service on Dell Technologies Cloud Platform and is a great example of the ongoing collaboration in our customers interest.



In a nutshell the Dell Technologies Cloud Platform comes in different technical and commercial shapes and sizes to suit the provider needs and complete automation of the hardware and platform software for Day 0,1 and 2. With the VMware Cloud Foundation stack included in Dell Technologies Cloud Platform providers can now utilise VMware Partner Connect points consumption reserved for our cloud providers and managed service providers. Now this is extended with a validated design to add VMware Cloud Director on top of VMware Cloud Foundation. This opens up a huge amount of capability in both infrastructure and application cloud services for provider customers. To find out more about the solution please listen to this episode here or read the launch blog here

If you have any direct questions regarding DTCP with VCD please contact your Dell Technologies or VMware Representative.

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