
VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona | Day 1 Recap

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VMware Explore

Barcelona, Spain | Fira Gran Via 
7 November, 2023

Get ready to immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience!  

Welcome to VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona. Thousands of explorers have descended upon the center of the multi-cloud universe, and we’re back at the ever-familiar Fira Gran Via in Barcelona. Reporting live from Spain, this is your first recap for VMware Explore 2023. 

Not far from The Expo, explorers had a thrilling time engaging with various activations in The Hub, ranging from the Customer Experience and Success Theater, to Illustrate Your Feedback by Design with Us, to the VMware Rewards Space where philanthropic efforts took place, to the all-encompassing VMware Communities Space that now includes more than ever.

This morning was all about the main stage, with an innovative general session where attendees heard from the key players charting the next course of enterprise tech innovation. VMware leadership and a host of other speakers dove into how VMware and its partners help enterprises build, train, and run AI models while addressing the core challenges of risk and cost. They discussed challenges and solutions among industry leaders who are embracing a cloud-smart approach to harness the power of generative AI while tapping into data residing on-premises, at the edge, and across multiple clouds.  

Some Key Takeaways from the General Session:  

  • VMware leadership shared how VMware is helping customers and partners to take a cloud-smart, architected approach to multi-cloud and digital transformation. 
  • The answer to gen AI challenges? Private AI, an architectural approach that balances the business gains from AI with the privacy and compliance needs of your organization. VMware and key partners IBM, Intel and NVIDIA are bringing Private AI to the enterprise. This expanded ecosystem enables more flexibility and choice for customers and partners. 
  • Data is the fuel for AI innovation. Together with Google Cloud, VMware is announcing an expanded partnership to deliver Google Cloud’s AlloyDB Omni database on VMware Cloud Foundation, starting with on-premises private clouds. Now you can modernize your existing databases and build new gen AI applications with this enterprise-grade PostgreSQL-compatible database. 
Raghu Raghuram on main stage for the VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona General Session
  • VMware also announced new capabilities, global expansion, and ecosystem solutions to help VMware Sovereign Cloud partners empower customers with more agility, better resiliency and faster innovation. 
  • Setting the stage for today’s technology innovation showcase, leadership from VMware’s cloud management business group shared the company’s latest and greatest news in cloud, apps, edge and AI.  

Catch all the lightbulb moments and ground-breaking product announcements.  

Our general session programming was broadcast live so that attendees both in-person and online could learn how to take a cloud-smart approach in multi-cloud, how to bring the power of AI to the enterprise, and how VMware’s innovation engine is stronger than ever. 

VMware Explore exterior of the Fira Gran Via

The fun and excitement weren’t only confined to the general session. Throughout the day, there were breakout sessions, expert-led roundtables, and hundreds of successfully completed hands-on labs. Some lucky attendees even got a surprise visit from the human tower castellers as part of the welcome reception kick off in The Expo. The construction of human towers, known as “castells,” has its roots in the 18th century. This captivating Catalan custom continues to thrive, showcasing the region’s rich cultural heritage. For those hungry folks in the crowd with a sweet tooth, the doughnut wall outside of Hall 4.0 was a welcomed sight outside of the main stage entry. Bon appétit!

With all the excitement and action going on, there’s something for everyone. We’re just scratching the surface here. Tune in tomorrow for updates on this year’s activations, outlooks, and of course, our next set of inspiring sessions.

The post VMware Explore 2023 Barcelona | Day 1 Recap appeared first on VMware Explore Blog.

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