
Exchange 2010 on vSphere Customer Case Study

Those of us embarking on a new virtualization project like to learn from others. At the very least we want to be sure that if someone else has done something similar we can learn from any lessons encountered along the way. Over the past year and a half we've had many conversations with customers who were in the process of evaluating Exchange 2010 or designing a logical environment with a decision on whether or not to virtualize still pending. Many of these customers wanted to hear from other customers.

We're now getting to the point where we have full deployments that we can begin to talk about. Some we may not be able to mention by name but can speak to specifics around size and design. Others have allowed us to come in and create case studies based on their success story.

Today we released our latest case study on Raymond James. As a financial company managing about 1.9 million accounts, email is one of the most critical applications the Raymond James IT organization supports. Read how Raymond James successfully virtualized an Exchange 2010 environment on vSphere to support over 18,000 mailboxes, provide high availability without the use of Database Availability Groups, and how they use VMware Site Recovery Manager to provide disaster recovery capabilities and proactively test site failover.

Case Study, Video
