Product Announcements

Second vSphere Client (HTML5) update in vSphere 6.5U1

With the release of vSphere 6.5U1, we are proud to announce the second update to the vSphere Client!

Just like last time, with vSphere 6.5.0b, those that have been using our Flings will not be surprised by the list of functionality updates for the vSphere Client. Now for well over a year a year we’ve been releasing updates to the vSphere HTML5 Web Client Fling on a (roughly) weekly basis, adding support for features, new user experiences, and more. As these changes have matured due to the excellent feedback we’ve received from the Fling’s users, we’re able to make further improvements and incorporate those into the vSphere Client included with 6.5.U1.

New Features

The online documentation for supported functionality has been updated to vSphere 6.5U1, available here (, but for comparison sake, the bits are around Fling v3.15, give or take a few things.

This is the list of some of the additional functionality included. Same as last time, some of these features are presented in a partially complete manner (such as SPBM).  The plan is to fill out all features, but the more feedback we get from you regarding what is most important will help us deliver faster.

  • DRS/HA VM overrides
  • SDRS rules
  • Content Library – further actions
  • Roles and Global Permissions
  • Download multiple files as zip
  • Distributed Switch – further actions
  • Fault Tolerance
  • SPBM
  • VM Hardware – further items
  • Apply Customize Guest OS during Clone
  • VM Migration – further actions (compute+storage, Cross VC, batch)

Some of these flows may have had minor tweaks to make them easier to use and learn. If you have feedback about any of the new behavior, or missing portions of features, of course let us know using the integrated feedback tool by clicking on the smiley face in the upper righthand corner.

Calling for volunteers!

We would like to connect with users one-on-one to understand how much you’re using the vSphere Client either via vSphere HTML5 Web Client Fling or the vSphere Client (HTML5) bundled in 6.5 (6.5 GA, 6.5.0b and now 6.5U1).  If you’re interested, please fill out this form:

Still need your feedback!

With this release, we believe we can cover almost all of your regular operations.  It is vitally important that we get your feedback on this release on what the remaining high-priority gaps are so that we can get them into the next quarterly release.  In particular, letting us know specific times when you find yourself jumping from the vSphere Client back to the vSphere Web Client would be extra helpful.  Provide feedback through the above link, on the Flings page, or comments below.  We have a new hashtag too!  Please use #vsphereclient wherever you have feedback.

You can sign up to receive an email every time we release a new Fling version by signing up here:

Thank you all for your feedback so far, and thank you in advance for all the feedback to come!